
The network is the territory.

The network is the territory.

I’m not sure what other people’s interpretation of this is but this statement is a strong one from my interpretation. If the map is not the territory, In other words your mental models and your assumptions about the world are internalizations, Not the literal world in front of you. This network of social and Associative selection.



OK I’m gonna look at this business like I’m building a program. I need all the programs inputs and their types, How long each thing takes to acquire and how much it costs, Once it reaches the bottom neck of production what’s the time of that, And then how do you get the outputs to where they need to be?

First let’s look at a per unit cost to see that if all of this is worth our effort: yesish


dark souls taught you ashen one


I’m very happy I did the lean proof stuff I should do more


how do you grow a room? With Walnuts.

My friend has only one belly button but both an “inneie” and an Audi.


i miss everyone

I could find jobs where people are cleaning **** up and I could try to connect them with recyclers to try and get them some money back. Basically I would have to orchestrate logistics to some extent. Or I could just hyper specialize in recycling. I could be insane and just start calling people 😆😆😆. ### wordplay Isn’t it ironic that those who desperately seek attention oftentimes don’t pay attention to themselves.

When the people came up with the word hear that they intentionally put ear in it?

Summary Today’s international chocolate day. My brother came over. It was really good to see him. I’m not so good at seeing my family regularly. Seeing the state of my family makes me a little sad. I can’t articulate.

今日はチョコレートの日. 弟が家に来ました。弟に見たことが良かった。私の家族と連ら鵜づつけてのは辛いです。私の家族の状態ああ見るのはちょっと悲しくになります。言葉がないのでしょう。 ### notes 対象外 [たいしょうがい] (adj-no,adv-to) (state of being) not covered by; not subject to

デイサービス, デーサービス, デイ・サービス, デー・サービス (n) nursing in the home by visiting nurses (wasei: day service)

The demand curve traces out the effect of a good’s price on the quantity of the good consumers want to buy

When you see a graph used to support an argument about cause and effect, it is important to ask whether the movements of an omitted variable could explain the results you see.

It might seem that an easy way to determine the direction of causality is to examine which variable moves first. If we see crime increase and then the police force expand, we reach one conclusion. If we see the police force expand and then crime increase, we reach the other. This approach, however, is also flawed: Often, people change their behavior not in response to a change in their present conditions but in response to a change in their expectations of future conditions.


math prob hn

sodium ascorbate

6gal:1lb syrb 20lbc02/60gal wmex 105.9

seamer 170 36.32 or 350 mccan 350 c02 20lb 100

Learn every single thing about about the production process. Start building a mental model of what it costs to get the operation running and the cash flow how that might work.

What I’m working towards is a manual of how the business works from the ground up. That’s what Dan taught me and I really did not show the gratitude I should have to Dan and Roger they taught me a lot about business.


I think this journal’s the only thing keeping me somewhat sane.


OK so you want to just keep writing stanzas like you would workout. Want your last rep to be as controlled as your first. I tend to get better as I’m wrapping right I just like get into it more so my perceived level is raised. But the idea is to just keep writing even if you have more stances than the songs available you can keep delivering good 4 lines



Look I gotta be honest I’m not really great, I didn’t even think I’d get this date, I’ve already looked at the staff and judged em’ as deadweightt looking down I think there’s something dead on my plate

And then and unto my eyes she does thus spake, All the guys that leave me are really into rakes, The last one sold masculine don’t mess with him his name was Jake he likes snakes, And flies planes over lakes,

She is really giving and I don’t want to take, Stick a fork through me, I am done I try to run, but it’s too late, I smile and ask after her laugh and she elates, And without hesitation she begins to relate,

That she likes to stay up real late, Stick a finger in her mouth chew it up and masticate, Flick boogers on the carpets, Casual callous cheese grate, If you couldn’t guess , i stress that this wasn’t going real great.


There are probably discrete structures that we will never touch but yet we intersect with through the reels and higher sets of numbers


In five years Eversource will need to replace all of their AMR meters with AMI meters

There is value in disrupting the public utilities electric stranglehold.


Sure! Here’s a summary in Markdown format:

Major Utilities in New Hampshire

Electricity: - Eversource Energy: Largest electric utility; operates in southern, central, and western New Hampshire. - Liberty Utilities: Provides electricity in western and southern parts. - Unitil: Serves parts of the Seacoast and Capital Region. - New Hampshire Electric Cooperative: Serves many rural communities.

Natural Gas: - Liberty Utilities: Main provider in the state. - Unitil: Provides natural gas in specific areas.

Water: - Pennichuck Corporation: Supplies water to Nashua and surrounding areas. - Aqua America: Provides water and wastewater services in parts of the state. - Municipal Water Utilities: Operated by various towns and cities.

Telecommunications: - Consolidated Communications: Major landline and internet provider. - Comcast (Xfinity): Provides cable, internet, and phone services. - Spectrum (Charter Communications): Offers cable, internet, and phone services.

Major Energy Generators in New Hampshire

  1. Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant
    • Location: Seabrook
    • Type: Nuclear
    • Capacity: ~1,244 megawatts
  2. Merrimack Station
    • Location: Bow
    • Type: Coal-fired (with oil)
    • Capacity: ~500 megawatts
  3. Schiller Station
    • Location: Portsmouth
    • Type: Coal-fired (with oil)
    • Capacity: ~100 megawatts
  4. Granite Ridge Energy Center
    • Location: Londonderry
    • Type: Natural Gas
    • Capacity: ~800 megawatts
  5. Newington Station
    • Location: Newington
    • Type: Natural Gas
    • Capacity: ~120 megawatts
  6. Coos County Biomass Plant
    • Location: Berlin
    • Type: Biomass
    • Capacity: ~25 megawatts
  7. Various Smaller Hydro Plants
    • Location: Various
    • Type: Hydroelectric
    • Capacity: Varies

Electricity Supply Breakdown

This summary covers the major utilities and energy generators, as well as the general breakdown of electricity supply in New Hampshire.

Eversource Seeks 42% Rate Hike

The Public Utilities Commission will decide the performance based rate proposal in a year, the proposals like 12,000 pages of good **** luck. Also if anybody on the Public Utilities Commission has any relationship to every source at all you know there’s skew.


The demand curve traces out the effect of a good’s price on the quantity of the good consumers want to buy

When you see a graph used to support an argument about cause and effect, it is important to ask whether the movements of an omitted variable could explain the results you see.

It might seem that an easy way to determine the direction of causality is to examine which variable moves first. If we see crime increase and then the police force expand, we reach one conclusion. If we see the police force expand and then crime increase, we reach the other. This approach, however, is also flawed: Often, people change their behavior not in response to a change in their present conditions but in response to a change in their expectations of future conditions.



With no hyperbole, my life is fucking dogshit.

I have physically been unable to do things normal, out of shape unhealthy ,assholes can do For almost a decade.

9 months ago I could not get out of bed for more than an hour. It took me almost two years in five plus stints to different physical therapists To barely even get where I am now. Now I’m able to stay out of bed for most of the day except I still can’t use my fucking hands.

I am able to do very extremely light Internet browsing. I look at things I can’t comment on them, I learn new; things I can’t write about them, I study math; I can’t write the fucking equations. I am able to use the app for door dash; I can’t come home and play a video game. I study Japanese; I can’t write the fucking kanji. I use my voice to text; I can’t use that for too long or I don’t have my voice for anything else. I can barely do two sets of any reps of any weight (3-8lbs) and if I work too much I have to lay down for multiple days.

No one wants to be around me because I fucking hate my life. No one understands.

My entire life all I wanted to do was program and play video games. Because I’m the dumbest slowest moronic learner on the fucking planet, It took me until around twenty four until I could actually code and that is exactly the time that I lost The use of my hands.

Every single skill I have ever learned,Every trade I have learned, Everything I went to college for Is absolutely useless because I cannot use my fucking hands.

I will never have a normal existence. I will never make enough money. I will always live in houses with people I don’t want to live with. I will always be useless. And even my family members like to let me know.

The worst part is is if I take my shirt off I look like a normal Dude in his thirties who takes care of himself. I have muscle definition, I have a low body fat percentage, I look like a dude who can run.

I’m sick of it.

I’m making one more big push, I’m gonna try and become a strong man and do feats of strength with my hands. ,Tear phone books, Crazy grip strength etc; if this doesn’t workout I’m done. I’m done trying. I’ll never get help, I’ll keep scraping by barely making enough for rent on door dash. Living with family that **** tortures me and continues to fucking with my mental health. I’m done. I got a couple more years and I’m fucking checking out. I have no friends, No social life, Nothing rewarding, Everything for the past 10 years has just been waiting, spending time So that the next day can come by. No use of my hands, No prospective future, And for more than half of it I couldn’t even use my fucking voice or get out of bed i’m so sick and tired of this. People say life is a gift, fuck you.

Now after dictating all this out With my voice I probably won’t speak the entire rest of the day so I don’t hurt myself. I absolutely love every little shitty piece of my fucking existence.

Honestly if you have no problems with your body and you complain about any problem in your life get fucked. You can get up and go do something. Me I can’t do anything, I have to wait, I can’t do it myself ’cause I might hurt myself and then I can’t go do my job and then I don’t have money and then and then and then.


Don’t ask yourself “can’t I read one more page?”—ask “is this already beginning to transform me or not?”

知られざる異常者が、この屋敷のどこかに潜んでいるにちがいない! An unknown lunatic must be lurking somewhere in this mansion. shirarezaru ishousha ga, kono yashiki no dokoka ni hisonde iru ni chigainai. ### Calc

Relating One-Sided and Two-Sided Limits

Let f(x) be a function defined at all values in an open interval containing a, with the possible exception of a itself, and let L be a real number. Then, {x a^-} f(x) = L {x a^-} f(x) = L _{x a^+} f(x) = L.



Boosted Links

Let’s take a look at an example of a boosted link. Below is a link to a hypothetical settings page for a web application. Because it has hx-boost=“true” on it, htmx will halt the normal link behavior of issuing a request to the /settings path and replacing the entire page with the response. Instead, htmx will issue an AJAX request to /settings, take the result and replace the body element with the new content.

Settings <1>

A boosted link

The hx-boost attribute makes this link AJAX-powered.

Most attributes are inherited by their children

9/3/2024 Doing this seems like you’re expanding out the binomial expression getting rid of the negligibles focusing on the ones that matter and that’s how you get the derivative and then the integral is the summation of all that together?

Overcoming isometrics are good for neurocortical nervous system activation and muscle activation as I kind of had a hunch. Like these really really extreme holds for smaller amounts of time right where you’re maxing out. Whereas when you want to build the tendon you want a 80% 7580% load for a longer amount of time because it allows your muscle to contract more And you’re tendon to stretch.

eat jello

plyometric ryhtmics ^ tendon


It’s easier to try and match someone else’s point of view or way of thinking than it is to get them to get your way of thinking.


Ask chat about website marketing Etcetera, Just get down limits derivatives and intergrals


Working out the raising to the fourth power, we get y+dy=x4+4x3dx+6x2(dx)2+4x(dx)3+(dx)4. Then striking out the terms containing all the higher powers of dx, as being negligible by comparison, we have y+dy=x4+4x3dx.



It seems second order magnitudes of smallness can be abstracted away. ## 9/2/2024 This is a really amazing route exampl….ion name and it will match that route


Alright I already knew a bunch about functions still good to go over it really good perspective of it some comedy.

Basically what the intro is talking about is that limits are infinitesimally small amounts right?

And the integral or the integration of something right this is a bunch of these small amounts and you can look at that like a geometric series(Where some continuous function on the number line would be the continuous analog) summing to some amount and that’s the limit at which it converges. excluding of course non converging sequences right.

(And remember geometric series has rational numbers in it and rational numbers by definition contain gaps between them)

And what’s interesting is using this same definition you can actually define the derivative; As taking some input to a function, And taking the smallest piece of this input And put it into the function and then subtract the original input from this smallest piece and you get the derivative.

It is almost hilarious how easy it just falls out.


y = f(x) = 2x - 7 <-explicit 2x - y - 7 = 0 <- implicit

What is a function?

A generalized relationship between two entities #### limits

A derivative, the fundamental concept of differential calculus, is a limit. An integral, the fundamental concept of integral calculus, is a limit.

When we speak of the “sum” of an infinite series, this is just a short way of naming its limit.

An infinite series can converge on its limit in three different ways: 1. The partial sums get ever closer to the limit without actually reaching it, but they never go beyond the limit. 2. The partial sums reach the limit. 3. The partial sums go beyond the limit before they converge.


Student: I was working on a problem involving a bouncing ball and geometric series, and I wanted to understand how the sum of an infinite geometric series relates to limits and derivatives. Here’s what I have so far:

I dropped a ball from a height of 8 feet. After each bounce, it reaches half the height of the previous bounce. I needed to find the total distance the ball travels, including the initial drop and all the bounces.

Teacher: That’s a great problem to explore! Let’s break it down step-by-step.

Student: To start, I expressed the problem using a geometric series. The initial height is 8 feet, and each successive bounce reaches half the previous height. So, the distances traveled after the first bounce form a geometric series:

[ 8 + 8 + 8 + ]

Teacher: Exactly. This is an infinite geometric series where the first term (a) is (8 ) and the common ratio (r) is (). To find the total distance traveled up, we sum this series.

Student: I multiplied the series by the common ratio to shift it and simplify the calculations. After multiplying by (), I got:

[ = 8 + 8 + 8 + ]

Subtracting this from the original series:

[ x - = 8 ]

Teacher: Correct. This simplification leads to:

[ = 8 x = 16 ]

Student: So the total distance traveled by the ball is 16 feet. I also worked on a problem where a ball was dropped from 4 units and each bounce was one-third of the previous bounce. I found the total distance traveled to be 6 units.

Teacher: Right, let’s confirm that. For this problem, the distance traveled up is an infinite geometric series with the first term ( ) and common ratio ( ):

[ = = 2 ]

So the total distance including the initial drop:

[ 4 + 2 = 6 ]

Student: How do these series and their sums relate to limits and derivatives?

Teacher: Good question. The sum of an infinite geometric series is found using limits. The formula ( ) comes from the limit of the partial sums as the number of terms goes to infinity.

For derivatives, while they don’t directly apply to geometric series, the concept of limits is fundamental to derivatives. The derivative measures the rate of change of a function, and finding it involves taking limits.

Student: Thanks for clarifying! I now see how limits underpin the calculations of series sums and derivatives.




At each instant the runner has gone in meters ten times the elapsed number of seconds. His instantaneous speed throughout the run clearly is ten meters per second.

the derivative of a function is simply another function that describes the rate at which a dependent variable changes with respect to the rate at which the independent variable changes.

defining a derivative as the limit of a sequence of ratios, this clearly is the case

Thus the deriva- tive of the area with respect to time is the limit of an infinite se- quence of ratios that converge on 6. Put simply, a derivative is the rate at which a function’s dependent variable grows with re- spect to the growth rate of the independent variable. In geo- metrical terms, it determines the exact slope of the tangent to a function’s curve at any specified point along the curve. This equivalence of the algebraic and geometrical definitions of a de- rivative is one of the most beautiful aspects of calculus.


Help me build an HTML interface for a gallery that’s dynamically populated from a back end please. I already have a semantic CSS Library so I don’t need any styling. I just need HTML structure.

lost game This game just does not fucking exist.


“transclusion” to include content within an existing document.

One man can’t know it all except a know it all who knows at all.

And they’re still dead to this day…

physical therapy

OK so what it seems to me I need to do is work on my gluteus medius.And that might help my tensor fascea latae Pain? My mother also seems to have problem in the Glouteus smedius the above next to lower back and to address that some of the same exercises are usable so you can do the Hip hike And leg abduction. It really seems like leg abduction is one of the key exercises to fix pain in this area but you can like move your leg and rotate it to target different muscles in the front or back. The most important thing in the beginning though is activated being able to activate it at elevated intensity without pain or injury feels like a better goal than strengthening it haphazardly with potentially incorrect form with the weight you might not even be comfortable in a position you might not even be skilled in.


I want to write the skyrim of evolving complex stochastic computational systems?


How come it’s OK to forge an ax but it’s not OK to forge a document ### CompSci

On the contrary, you are encouraged to work at the highest level of abstraction available to you




尚; 猶; 尚お; 猶お なお (1) (adv) (uk) still; yet (2) (adv) (uk) more; still more; greater; further (3) (adv) (uk) as …; like … (as なお〜ごとし) (4) (conj) (uk) furthermore; in addition; moreover; note that …


若くは もしくは (conj) (uk) or; otherwise


ご遠慮下さい; 御遠慮下さい; 御遠慮ください ごえんりょください (exp) please refrain (from) #### 升; 枡; 桝; 斗 ます; マス
(1) (n) measuring container; measuring box; measure (2) (n) box (seating at a theatre, etc.) (3) (n) square on a grid; cell of a grid (esp. マス) (4) (n) square bearing block (at the top of a pillar)

及び 【および】(oyobi). Meaning: and; as well as ~.

This is used to list multiple nouns, it is similar in meaning to と (to) and や (ya), but is mostly used in more formal settings or for listing information / rules.


repeat rw [add_assoc]
            rw [add_left_comm b c]
            rw [add_comm d b]

simp only [add_assoc, add_left_comm, add_comm] ### notes Why couldn’t you represent types and proofs as verification via a vector space?

Use a relational dsl to find replicators with mutation


type theory

Types are not sets. Types are a bit like sets, but types give syntactic information, e.g.

3 + (7 ∗ 8)5 : nat

whereas sets give semantic information, e.g.

3 ∈ {n ∈ IN | ∀x, y, z ∈ IN+(xn + yn 6 = zn)}

Extensionality versus intensionality

Sets are extensional: Two sets are equal if

they contain the same elements. For example {n ∈ IN | ∃x, y, z ∈ IN+(xn + yn = zn)} = {0, 1, 2}. So set equality is undecidable

Types are intensional2. Two types are equal if

they have the same representation, something that can be verified by simple syntactic considerations. So, {n | ∃x, y, z : nat+(xn + yn 6 = zn)} 6 = {n | n = 0 ∨ n = 1 ∨ n = 2} because these two types don’t have the same representation. ##### summary of type theory vs set theory

We can therefore summarize the difference between set theory and type theory as the difference between proof checking (required to check a typing judgment), which is decidable and proof finding (which is required to check an element-of judgment) which is not decidable.



たった (adj-f,adv) only; merely; but; no more than

ピンと来る; ぴんと来る ピンとくる; ぴんとくる (1) (exp,vk) (uk) to come (home) to one; to click; to ring a bell; to understand at once; to know intuitively; to get (a joke or explanation); to catch on (2) (exp,vk) (uk) to appeal to one; to speak to one; to impress one


Use associativity and commutativity to prove add_right_comm. You don’t need induction. add_assoc moves brackets around, and add_comm moves variables around.

Remember that you can do more targetted rewrites by adding explicit variables as inputs to theorems. For example rw [add_comm b] will only do rewrites of the form b + ? = ? + b, and rw [add_comm b c] will only do rewrites of the form b + c = c + b.

You can use rw [zero_add] at h to rewrite at h instead of at the goal.

Here’s a two-line proof:

repeat rw [zero_add] at h
            exact h

apply h2 at h1. This will change h1 to y = 42.



ba hodo

ば for Hypothetical Situations

So it comes to something like if I’m running, If I carry this action all the way to its extent, Something will happen.


"The more you X, the more/less you Y." X is repeated twice: "X-ba X hodo, Y."

            勉強すればするほど = the more I study,...

            仕事に来れば来るほど = the more I go to work...

            話せば話すほど = the more I talk / tell...

            Your understanding is correct. "hodo" means "the extent of", so the whole construction means "走れば [if/when I run], 走るほど [to the extent I run,] 体力を尽かす [I exhaust my strength]". "When running, the more I run, [the more] I exhaust my strength", or simply "The more I run, the more I get tired".

cause I’m walking into the breach, and I don’t know when I’ll make it back. I gotta save humanity before time slips away through the cracks,


Complexity of any written text is dependant on it’s total abstraction or it’s entropy. A sentence or paragraph with more root words than abstract ones has more entropy, and so the information is “spread out” among many simpler words. As we compress the words into more abstract ones, the entropy decreases, while the complexity increases. The increase in complexity can be attributed to the fact that we need to go higher up the tree to reach a root node, while the connections between each parent and child node must also be strengthened in order to develop a strong intuition of the piece of text.

And to me the leap between the abstract word and the root word is a composition learned based off of how much understanding is grokked, Where immediate jump to the root word is perfect grokking.


resentment spiral My friend reminded me that the last time we had hung out, she’d started telling me about struggles she was having with her dad. I hadn’t asked any followup questions – I just responded with “huh” and changed the subject. She told me how disconnected and alone that had made her feel, and that she really didn’t want that as part of our friendship, and imagined I didn’t either. She didn’t attack me, or even blame me – just stated what had happened, and the impact it had on her. I could’ve very easily gotten defensive, or tried to make excuses – but instead I felt a surprising surge of gratitude. Here was a friend making a vulnerable effort to deepen our friendship, and giving me a concrete thing I could do differently to make her feel more seen, and us more connected. ## communication あなたというの言葉は I would prefer to use the first person pronouns in the same way as in almost never.

Are metrics() a mathematical stand in for the senses that we lack to perceive them dumb


Into the Breach

Think of the steps that you’re going to carry through on your turn like an algorithm and each of these steps your mex can use in all of their abilities are the functions you can use to program a turn..

If you don’t deal with your problems you get more the neXt turnn


By definition they can only exist in each other’s absence ### self Envision what you think your confidence self is keep refining and keep going towards it,

Honestly there needs to be like a general formula for Want or need-> Create a vision of how to get it or how to get more info-> Act on a testable action And get input back from the world. Depending how you feel or what happens with the feedback adjust all the levels below In waterfall fashion depending on how important the thing is and then do another testable action

Need/want-> Create a vision of how to get it or how to get more info-> Act on a testable action-> Get input back from the world-> Adjust all the levels below based on prority.

how would the confident noah act?

shit post math theory.

Number system where you have numbers between the least negative number and the least positive number. Effectively having numbers with no ordering and where all operations equate to zero.

let o, ∈ 0,a,b ∈ N, 0 = o ,a < 0 < b : {}

a + b = 0 a - b = 0 a * b = 0 a / b = 0 a ^ b = 0 |a| = 0 |a-b| = 0


⊆ If a € F and a != 0, then either a € P or —a € P, but not both.

if you wanted to say 0 is larger than a, it suffices to say it’s b—a.

if you want to say that the number 0 is larger than the number a, it suffices to say that b—a is positive.

If A < B, then A * C < B * C if C > 0, and A * C > B * C if C < 0.

The above statement is kind of like the law of the excluded middle. And now it makes me wonder if the imaginary numbers have some connection to intuitionistic logic




De Morgan’s laws do not directly help us with implications, but as we saw above, every implication can be written as a disjunction

P → Q is logically equivalent to ¬P ∨ Q.

Example: “If a number is a multiple of 4, then it is even” is equivalent to, “a number is not a multiple of 4 or (else) it is even”.

Double Negation.

¬¬P is logically equivalent to P.

Example: “It is not the case that c is not odd” means “c is odd”.

Example 3.1.4

Prove that the statements ¬(P → Q) and P ∧ ¬Q are logically equivalent without using truth tables

A: 1. ¬(P → Q) = ¬(¬P ∨ Q) 2. ¬(¬P ∨ Q) = P ∧ ¬Q


You really just can’t anticipate situations and really the best way is to Have no expectations You need to be mindful enough to react, Any presuppositions will trip you up and cloud up your vision while in the act. Your attitude is visible to everyone,Unless you’ve got some acting skills it’s not something you can impress, Just really live it true that’s the only advice i’ll provide, When you envision future decision ou Influence yourself on events that have not yet arrived, Just think if you didn’t think about it what kind of thoughts at would you have arrive? You might box yourself into a corner_ that only exists in your mind’s eyes, You might talk to yourself into an order_ That doesn’t permit you to live your own life,

One night while trying to snooze you choose some stupid rules, Based off a judgment that might be not or be not true, Shutting you off from information or any news, It’s alarming how much time has passed on the clock you got a lot left to lose, So ’come on bro, what the fuck you gonna do? How many more the same days you’re gonna have to live through? How many more of the same ways are you gonna have to give into? How much more of this lame game are you gonna play through?

What the fuck does it take for you to live through you? Is it really you in there are is true a puppet for majin buu? How Many more blue notes do you write before you get a clue? How many more epiphanies slip through your hands that you can’t cling to,

Battle like Klingons to hold on to fantasies to keep your eyes drawn One day you might look up and find it’s all gone, One day you might Wake up and think what’s going on, Some days you might not wake up and not have enough strength to be strong,

It might seem lost when you learn it but think back to this song, Just be the seconds for a second cause After a second it’s long gone, The only thing that lasts forever is when you’re forever gone, Try to live your life as best you can before life’s last breath is drawn.

It’ll barely narrowly be Less than a century Then your body’s broken and you’re sent back to the sedimentary, We all return back to the elements it’s elementary You don’t need a whole lot of evidence to see it’s evidently,(watson clip)

So what the fuck is The point of living a life that’s empty? Stop praying to a place that where nothing will ever be from sent fullly, Look, Make It just doesn’t make any sense to me, real Eyes see You mentally make what’s mentally meant to be,

life filiterd through anything - is just as bad as any screen, Take all four of your sore eyes and start to see any being, There’s really no point in wearing a mask - they can’t see everything. Go up an abstraction level dont think about every thingg

You also probably can’t process every single scene, Follow the same path and you won’t be Egressing, All those comfy thoughts keep ye aught regressing, Time machine’s pot Slow it down before the clock rings

Soon youll be inside entombed rock, Turn on and attune the these soon new thoughts, You only got three days until the moon drops,The real lesson is terminal, turn it off and termina stops Some things you just can’t fix no matter how much tape, or hop scotch be aware and don’t stare Where warlock wore locks and rock robe likes Life can’t be lived as a rogue like, keep no pearls clutched and Cuddle no cope stoke only hope right? “Simple and clean” just isn’t the way I feel tonight. The ghost in my machine isnt really watching is this real or right?

i’ll be honest i might catch 40 winks and wink out like a night light? mom used To read stories to me Besides my bedside that’s a night night,

Almost everybody is somebody that I used to know, that don’t feel right But that’s my consequences so, Consequently concentrate on things that concentrate your soul, Maybe 30 years left and you’ve already paid An awful toll,

You’ve answered a lot of questions but there’s oh so many more from trolls, Just like life, fashion artist eventually draw clothes Keep yourself Sharp mentally as your days draw close, You grew up in Dungeons you already know how to slay many ghostss

I confess I’ve reminisced But I’ll never go back to sword coasts

Don’t ever act like you won’t be caught, Imaginary people can’t hurt you with their airy nary thoughts. Right now is Not a mental model that you can cancoct Use your whole body remember you used to not can walk.

Don’t forget your nole soul notes when you can show and tell talk.

Whether or not you see another noon or not.

If you were you what would you do

Don’t keep it pent up mentally up Penning pals from a penitentiary,

the more we understand something the easier it is to dismantle it- horses ## f******** status and even the rewards of privilege are not the same as being loved.


So are the slave codes (c 1700s US) just like a blueprint for Codes for citizens?

Ideologies are dangerous and oftentimes have a habit of consuming those who operate in them.

You make a great point here: “Much of the problem with modern notions of ‘identity’ is the failure to recognize the burden being placed on others to make a person’s self-actualization possible in the first place. You don’t get to choose how you want to be seen not because society is oppressive but because you don’t get to decide for everyone else how society communicates with itself.” Performative action is in this respect a bit of a self-indulgence

The “my pronouns are…” game is very much a ‘game’. It’s nothing more than a power gambit that a reasonable person should refuse to play. 50/50 on this one


Life as a constructt

[Chorus] (Shadow) Permanence, it’s (Fading) Permanence, it’s (Inun…) Permanence, it’s <———–{ love this! (…dating) Permanence, it’s gone <—-{ Gone, gone, gone…



wang tiles are flat squares with colored markings on their edges and matching rules for the ways fit together


Some people use speakers, I just speak for myself, I like getting chills that are colder than hell I’m trying to add more hit points to my health Call my punches hitman ’cause they stay in stealth,

My rhymes aren’t deeper than a deep well,all my structures strike well so I call it my wealth, A less principled man might help himself to the elfs, Only plastic squares in my pants,I Prance with Keebler Elks,

I’ll sell my soul before I sell away myself, (away) There hasn’t been anything said i havent told myself, (okay) Make your soul full so you can become one with yourself,(heyehy) The only thing you are is all the things you tell yourself. (each day)


When an application switches from free to paid that’s an inequality of Life Update any people who sleep in then get up be up late,

You could say that was chicken soup for my bowl cut bro



p ∧ q ∨ ¬(p ∧ q) p ∨ q


I think the reason that men are so very violent is that they know, deep in themselves, that they’re acting out a lie, and so they’re furious at being caught up in the lie. But they don’t know how to break it…. They’re in a rage because they are acting out a lie—which means that in some deep part of themselves they want to be delivered from it, are homesick for the truth.


One time I took two sticks and turned it into a sticker, You can say the wrong thing is still get the right answer, everyone knows the right answer to the wrong things


Look I understand and appreciate your suggestions. I will not try to change your opinion, however I’m just gonna use this as a rough draft for a blog post For if I decide to write the software. Some background:

I am recovering from intense physical therapy where it’s taken me a whole year to even barely pick up forty pounds (3 times 1 set).

I have done reps times weight equal volume for a whole year . I have many problems and I need to have things explicitly, concretely laid out for me. I forget things often and volume wasn’t something that I could relate to. So I needed to learn more and actually see what was going on.

When I see that I’m only generating a few watts despite using heavier weights on wrist curls , T Let’s go over an example: I know that I can roughly do 5 reps @ 5 sets @ 8 lbs for supinated OHP. 5 x 5 x 8 lbs = 200 units of volume. 5 x 5 x 3.6kg ### math

If ( A ) is false, the statement ( A B ) does not provide any information about ( B ). The implication is considered true because there’s no scenario where a false ( A ) can contradict or affect ( B ).



not sure if anyone will read this, but if you’re giving someone a compliment, don’t compare things, just say what you mean.

“you’re exactly the kind of person i thought i would marry” is a great compliment.

“i didn’t think i would be into fat chicks, but since you let me do anal, you’re exactly the kind of person i thought i would marry” doesn’t sound so good.


Stem,Of the stem is the branch in recursion,
All my cats purr in perfect Persian, No excuse will excuse my excursion, This is my world, I create my own versions,

I attest I divest my attention into diverse diversions, I’m living as a per verse person, I rap in cursive , I curse in curses,I won’t hesitate to submerge into something submersive, My imagery is completely immersive, I’m expecting you reckon these last seconds have been worth it, Put your credit card away I don’t have any T-shirts to purchase, Instead spend your time finding your perfect purpose, Don’t throw your dimes away chasing something worthless, Most of us don’t get a dollar and the rest of us are shirtless, A lot of others try to make their heart go hurtless, We should make the others us And some others of us hurt less, My bank account goes negative it couldn’t be worth less,



She’s got responsibilities and I’ve got responsibilities And she’s not my responsibility, Re response is my response ability, Let time run its course as a matter of agility, It’s Not the only thing I can’t quit that’s still killing me, But yet there’s still a litle will fillin me, All the ones that are real for me will be feeling me Only sawed offs be out there out skilling me, I still haven’t made a million yet But you can bet I probly never will, I don’t need pieces of paper to tell, I right on everything well, I don’t need pieces of paper to tell,


Bro that kind of rich just don’t even make any sense to me, Low tier trailer troglodyte form toddler history, Ain’t no mystery,t smoking h and c, I’m lacking agency,It ain’t amazing see cause I’m approaching a new age of ancientcy, And adjacently I’m sick of waiting patiently The cesscation hesitations are fading recenlty My bank account is acting pretty negatively, But what the hell i’m pretty well irrespectively, Least I can smoke weed and spit introspectively, Can’t do a fucking thing that’s expected of me, A band and a dance are what I expect to be Right click quick check your gadgets i’m inspectoring, No one can accept the scepter except the king, Getting lost in a shallow puddle that’s a newbie novice thing,

Isn’t it now non obvious that All of this


My mind has been blown and I have seen how functions and counting of functions can be the foundation of all math.

combi of functions

|A u B|=|A|+|B|-|A ^ B|

The inclusion-exclusion principle, being a generalization of the two-set case, is perhaps more clearly seen in the case of three sets, which for the sets A, B and C is given by

A ∪ B ∪ C | = | A | + | B | + | C | − | A ∩ B | − | A ∩ C | − | B ∩ C | + | A ∩ B ∩ C |

Which forms Pascal’s triangle!


The Poset Powerset forms Pascal’s triangle With successive sets of successive cardinality. Now apparently this has some relation to the binomial coefficient expansion issue which seems to me like it’s a natural transformation between two different categories. With the binomial coefficient expansion you can get negative values of Pascal’s triangle and I’m curious if there are analogs in the set theoretic framework traditional set theory says no but the structure begs exploration



I can make a mushroom cloud with just one lighter.


I need to program my education like I program my training. And I think I should do the same to my life. Today is Tuesday and it’s supposed to be my day off and I have to take those so I can relieve stress.

I need a few days where I just let myself do whatever the **** I want. Although today I did do a little bit of Japanese because I was feeling guilty I am finding extremely hard to stay motivated. I cannot let it go to waste because I’ve been working on it for years but the things I’m doing right now are not compelling.




If a raffle has three different prizes and there are 1,000 raffle tickets sold, how many different ways can the prizes be distributed?

A: 1000 factorial / (1000 - 3)!

How many eight-letter words can be formed from the 26 letters in the alphabet? Even without concerning ourselves about whether the words make sense, there are two interpretations of this problem. Answer both.

A1: 26! / (26 - 8)!

A2: 26^8

The state finals of a high school track meet involves fifteen schools. How many ways can these schools be listed in the program?

A1:2^15 15!

All 15 players on the Tall U. basketball team are capable of playing any position. How many ways can the coach at Tall U. fill the five starting posi- tions in a game? What is the answer if the center must be one of two players?

A1: 15!/(15-5)!,A2: (15!/(15-4)!) * 2

The president of the Math and Computer Club would like to arrange a meeting with six attendees, the president included. There will be three computer science majors and three math majors at the meeting. How many ways can the six people be seated at a circular table if the president does not want people with the same majors to sit next to one other?


Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Determine the cardinality of {(a1, a2) | a1 ≠ a2}

What is the answer to the previous part if |A| = n ?

If |A| = n, determine the number of m-tuples in A, m ≤ n, where each coordinate is different from the other coordinates.

A1: P(A):{|(a1, a2)| | a1 ≠ a2} -> 6

Analyzing set of size 2 ({'a', 'b'}):
            Power Set:
            Number of arrangements (factorial of cardinality 2!): 2
            Size 0: 1 occurrences
            Size 1: 2 occurrences
            Size 2: 1 occurrences
            Analyzing set of size 3 ({'a', 'b', 'c'}):
            Power Set:
            Number of arrangements (factorial of cardinality 3!): 6
            Size 0: 1 occurrences
            Size 1: 3 occurrences
            Size 2: 3 occurrences
            Size 3: 1 occurrences

A2: C(n, k) = n! / (n - k)k! |A| = n, P(A):{|(a1, a2)| | a1 ≠ a2} -> C(n, 2)

A3: n^2 - |A|

General Case for |A| = n:

The number of distinct pairs (a₁, a₂) where a₁ ≠ a₂ would be n(n-1)/2. Your answer suggests using C(n, 2), which is correct for counting distinct pairs in general.

Considering Tuples of Size m ≤ n:

The number of distinct m-tuples where each coordinate is different would be n! / (n-m)!, as you need to choose and arrange m distinct elements from a set of n.


If |A| = n, there are n! ways of permuting all n elements of A.

However, a problem with an answer of 25!/23! can be reduced to 25 · 24, or 600.


Example 2.2.11: Ordering of digits under different conditions.

Consider only the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  1. How many three-digit numbers can be formed if no repetition of digits can occur?

  2. How many three-digit numbers can be formed if repetition of digits is allowed?

  3. How many three-digit numbers can be formed if only non-consecutive repetition of digits are allowed?

Solutions to (a): Solution 1: Using the rule of products. We have any one of five choices for digit one, any one of four choices for digit two, and three

choices for digit three. Hence, 5 · 4 · 3 = 60 different three-digit numbers can be formed.

Solution 2; Using the permutation formula. We want the total number of permutations of five digits taken three at a time:


Solution to (b): The definition of permutation indicates “…no two elements in each list are the same.” Hence the permutation formula cannot be used. However, the rule of products still applies. We have any one of five choices for the first digit, five choices for the second, and five for the third. So there are 5 · 5 · 5 = 125 possible different three-digit numbers if repetition is allowed.

Solution to (c): Again, the rule of products applies here. We have any

one of five choices for the first digit, but then for the next two digits we have four choices since we are not allowed to repeat the previous digit So there are 5 · 4 · 4 = 80 possible different three-digit numbers if only non-consecutive repetitions are allowed.

Example 2.2.9:

Another example of choosing officers. A club has eight members eligible to serve as president, vice-president, and treasurer. How many ways are there of choosing these officers?

Solution 1: Using the rule of products. There are eight possible choices for the presidency, seven for the vice-presidency, and six for the office of treasurer.

By the rule of products, there are 8 · 7 · 6 = 336 ways of choosing these officers.

Solution 2: Using the permutation formula. We want the total number of permutations of eight objects taken three at a time:


2.1.2 The Rule Of Products

If two operations must be performed, and if the first operation can always be performed p1 different ways and the second operation can always be performed p2 different ways, then there are p1 · p2 different ways that the two operations can be performed.

Note: It is important that p2 does not depend on the option that is chosen in the first operation. Another way of saying this is that p2 is independent of the first operation. If p2 is dependent on the first operation, then the rule of products does not apply.

Extended Rule Of Products. The rule of products can be extended to include sequences of more than two operations. If n operations must be performed, and the number of options for each operation is p1, p 2 , . . . , pn respectively, with each pi independent of previous choices, then the n operations can be performed p 1 · p2 · · · · · p n different ways.

if |A| = n , then |℘(A)|=2n. The ease with which we can prove this fact demonstrates the power and usefulness of the rule of products. Do not underestimate the usefulness of simple ideas.


Power Set: set() {‘a’} {‘b’} {‘c’} {‘a’, ‘b’} {‘a’, ‘c’} {‘b’, ‘c’} {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}

Cross Product Matrix: a b c ———— a | (‘a’, ‘a’) (‘a’, ‘b’) (‘a’, ‘c’) b | (‘b’, ‘a’) (‘b’, ‘b’) (‘b’, ‘c’) c | (‘c’, ‘a’) (‘c’, ‘b’) (‘c’, ‘c’)

Just notice that the triangles of the matrices will always correspond to the power set elements that have the same dimensions as your cross product operation. The diagonal line is the original set doubled and also all of the one element sets on the power set and the set itself #### Boolean matrices

Set Theory

A ∩ (⋃ᵢ₌₁ⁿ Bᵢ) = ⋃ᵢ₌₁ⁿ (A ∩ Bᵢ)

What this is saying is the intersection of A and the union of all sets Bᵢ through n is equivalent to the union of the intersection of A and every single Bᵢ from i to n.

Bit shifting

Another useful bitwise operation that can be performed on a piece of data is a bit shift. This is simply a slide of the data left or right by a certain number of places; data which is shifted out disappears and is replaced by a 0 being shifted in from the other end.

byte d = b11010110; byte e = d>>2; // right-shift d by two positions; e = b00110101 e = e<<3; // left-shift e by three positions; e = b10101000

We’ll demonstrate some uses of bit shifting later. One very useful application for bit shifts is multiplication and division: each right shift is the same as a division by two (although remainder information is lost) and each left shift is the same as a multiplication by two. This is useful because multiply and divide are often very time expensive operations on small processors, like the Arduino’s, but bit shifts are usually very efficient.


I have really low self esteem but I’m the only person who can talk **** about me get ****. ### Joint Entropy: Example: Suppose you roll two six-sided dice, which we’ll call Die 1 and Die 2. Each die can land on any of the numbers 1 through 6. The outcome of rolling both dice can be represented by the pair ((X, Y)), where (X) is the outcome of Die 1 and (Y) is the outcome of Die 2.

Step 1: Calculate the probability distribution

Each die roll is independent, and since there are 6 faces on each die, the probability of any specific outcome for either die is ( ). Therefore, the probability of any specific pair ((X = x, Y = y)) is:

[ P(X = x, Y = y) = = ]

for each ((x, y)) pair, where (x) and (y) are in ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}).

The probability distribution over these two die is the cross product between both of the die’s support set

Step 2: Compute the joint entropy (H(X, Y))

The joint entropy (H(X, Y)) is defined as:

[ H(X, Y) = -{x {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}} {y {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}} P(X = x, Y = y) _2 P(X = x, Y = y) ]

Since (P(X = x, Y = y) = ) for each of the 36 possible outcomes:

[ H(X, Y) = -{x=1}^{6} {y=1}^{6} _2 () ]

Step 3: Simplify the expression

Notice that ( _2 () = -_2(36) ):

[ H(X, Y) = - _2 () ]

[ H(X, Y) = -_2 () ]

[ H(X, Y) = _2(36) ]

Finally, since (36 = 6 ), and (_2(6^2) = 2 _2(6)):

[ H(X, Y) = 2 _2(6) ]

So, the joint entropy of rolling two six-sided dice is (2 _2(6)), which is approximately 5.17 bits. This value represents the total uncertainty associated with the outcomes of both dice.

Eradicate Ucklufery ### math #### Entropy


Bro so this is actually mapping what’s really happening, This whole time in my mind I’ve been skipping steps, When you not a statement you invert all the symbols, Commutativity of ore is equivalent to the commutivity of a union, I think between the Boolean operations and set one is a natural transformation

If I smoke weed I’m thinking about math, If I smoke weed I think about rhyme,

If I think about math and rhyme sometimes I think about time. And when I think about time I think about a rational number line. There’s a lot of hidden divisions You can envision between 1 and one fourths, It’s simply a matter of percision for one to put it forth, Mass is the weight of the matter of course, Voice sore and coarse can’t sing so i wont bring a chorus, And the only thing I’ve ever struck is a chord, Life sucks and I’m stuck and I’m bored, Stuck inside and’I’m in sighing and I’m biding and sore, You just keep on doing their bidding and sliding unshore, Bro what do you have to go and say that for? I couldn’t meet an ugly girl inside a wrapped up metaphor a metaverse is made by us the fuck we need a compny for? Beating off the enemy is illegal inside a peaceful war flip a full culture And sell it surprise live From the side a piece of shit store. Hypocrite ’cause he spit it, but he did it Before he could get it so now He gotta ignore, he gotta build lore, he gotta get some yore gotta get some more. gotta git him sure

I don’t always listen to talks, but I always listen to speakers Other day left the park because of a tweaker, I Would have made a pun about bass drums except there’s no longer any tweeters, If you got a hair cross your ass just pluck it with tweezers, I ain’t fucking with Skevers,When it’s cold I’m stuck in with heaters, The suckers keep on shlucking Come from their dumb leaders, Learn to hold your numb tongue from some bum ass mouth breather,

I never learned house so I can’t read the room, This lady’s blouse is in my breathing room, I’m heading out i’ll about be done at noon, Without a doubt I’m counting out 1 and 2, One and two i’m running From one place to two. I let the figures figure out what I’m supposed to do, Suppose that I chose Those instead of what I was supposed to choose, If I can’t win how am I supposed to lose? I can’t swim not opposed pools,

I’m not really playing the same game i’m sorry that’s just the rules, I’m a fool I used to believe in justice too, But now what’s just is just left for just a few, How I adjust to my life is just a view, How I discuss my life’s just a tool, Still reading even though there’s no school

Still learning ‘cause I’m learning I need it too, This yearnin’ is turnin’ into , Another me that can see another side of another you, I only loop around the block catch me in DW, I can’t dumb it down they don’t see my W’s, I know the Japanese I don’t need it dub_bed dude, Where’s the caveman scooby I need another doobie doo. The person listening to this song is who that do be you, Semantic bond so strong I’m going from who to hauk tuah hula hoops, Give me a bong so long They sing songs saying bye, Eat a mushroom and start super saying some amazing Phrasings that make you cry, Get caught dragging your balls on the carpet and get asked why? Respond dead ass with some deflect ,defer and deny, Get some derivative argumentgo dy yourself guy

Christ Metal slime al loyed like uncle fester, dumb shit I say wouldn’t be dumped on by a jester,

I say too much too here’s the rest of the digest sir, I Digress, I stress I Stress it ain’t the best, One day at a time take it all like the rest, I heard a smart dude say if you’re not talking take a rest, Another smart Dude said Don’t talk if they take to arrestt Take two if they wanna make you a nest, Fake dudes try to make you deflate your chest, Grifters riff the grift and Try to say it’s chess, When it’s only them at the table you don’t got to guess, Vampires can only come in if they are your guest, Is set that I’m coming from is the sum of some and the best, I’m David Dunn I’m wearing one waterproof vest, These words are simply my proofs I attest, i see So good I got 4 eyes after my eye test, I’m taking this next second first, I’m making these next words worth, Those making this earth worse, Just don’t listen to this verse, die of curse, Become dearth Inside of an earthworm corpse,

I’m popping corks popping with quark gessial Green Chocobo goes gwark, Stop the car in thought is an amusement park,

Don’t confuse the ruse for his smarts, Heart like Kevin James Wall like Paul Blart, Plastic liches reading Ronald Dahl in Walmart, The reff gave him a red card from hallmark, inside it Read Karl Marxx, that ain’t a dog whistle calm your commie parts, But call me up some calming counterparts, Let’s get those counters part, I’m surely sure I could count her as art, Surely as I was sure I could count on her heart

It’s called modus ponens. It tells us that if we know p -> q and we know p, then we can conclude q

(claim1 ^ claim2 ^ claim3 ^ … ^ claim _n) -> conclusion In other words, it “proves” that, if all the given claims are true, the conclusion must also be true. There are at least four common names for what we’ve just called claims: - premises - postulates - hypotheses - axioms

When discussing a single argument, taken on its own, without a larger context, it’s common to use the word premises or hypotheses. Sometimes, however, a single set of claims will be premises to a whole collection of related conclusions (typically called a theory). Then, the premises are usually called the axioms or postulates of the theory.

he conclusion follows from the set of claims (or premises or postulates or axioms).  The set of claims logically implies the conclusion.  The set of claims entails the conclusion.


building connections that aren’t friendships: with my Spanish teacher, my boss, the crossfit community, the ravers who dance with me all night, and even the neighbour with tattooed fingers, who now, after a year, says hi.

In my experience, if you’re just authentically, unapologetically yourself, you won’t meet many people. But those who you meet will be your people.


What if you’re still anxious?

This must be because you’re low on social connections. You need to train your friendship muscle. Make sure your Fridays are for friends. Overcome your introvertism and engage in pleasant interactions. Ignore the differences between you and your old friends, pretend like you still click. Get out more. Make more effort. Be proactive, confident and keen. Try harder. It’s good for your mental health. Now go make friends, you loser! What if you’re still anxious?

Try to describe your mood better. Are you depressed, bored, lonely? No, okay. In this case, are you stressed, tense and exhausted? Ha. Then take something off your plate. Look at the “plate” of your week and carefully consider what doesn’t bring you joy.

Don’t ask for advice or read articles online. Stick to your gut.

Once you figure out what doesn’t bring you joy, stop putting effort in that direction and see what happens.


I need to become a strongman.


pre 2019

I was so weak that I could not get out of bed for more than an hour or so. I could not talk because my throat was in pain. I could not read because my eyes were too weak.. I had severe rsi and still suffer from the issues which has stopped me from almost all my hobbies including video games drawing writing playing any instruments and for those who think money is the most important thing I couldn’t and still can’t make fucking shit.

I suffered a lot of mental **** from this but that’s not important.


Things are slightly better now but despite my newbie gains I still struggle picking up more than 40 lbs. I can only walk maybe a mile and a third. I still have trouble doing what many would just consider normal. Like for a 34 year old of the same size and weight and even physique looking is honestly probably three to four times stronger than me.

I have no money. My future is not looking that great. How do I become a strongman? I have been the weakest a person can be I need to become the strongest that I can be.


Let’s use a simpler example with a die that has 4 sides, which will make mental calculations easier. We’ll walk through the process of calculating the total information needed to store the outcomes of multiple rolls of this 4-sided die.

Entropy: Example: Rolling a Fair 4-Sided Die

  1. Calculate the Information Content for a Single Roll

    • Number of Outcomes: A 4-sided die has 4 possible outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4).

    • Probability of Each Outcome: For a fair die, the probability of any specific outcome is:

      [ p(x) = ]

    • Information Content of Each Outcome:

      [ I(x) = -_2() ]

      To calculate this:

      [ _2() = _2(4^{-1}) = -_2(4) ]

      Since ( _2(4) = 2 ):

      [ _2() = -2 ]


      [ I(x) = -(-2) = 2 ]

    So each roll of the 4-sided die gives you 2 bits of information.

  2. Calculate the Total Information for Multiple Rolls

    • Number of Rolls: Suppose we roll the die 3 times.

    • Average Information Content per Roll: We have 2 bits per roll.

    • Total Information Calculation:

      [ = ]

      For 3 rolls:

      [ = 3 = 6 ]

  3. Representing the Outcomes

    • Total Number of Possible Outcomes: For 3 rolls of a 4-sided die, the total number of possible outcomes is:

      [ 4^3 = 64 ]

    • Bits Needed to Represent All Outcomes:

      To represent 64 possible outcomes:

      [ _2(64) = _2(2^6) = 6 ]

      So, 6 bits are needed to represent all possible outcomes of 3 rolls.


Using a 4-sided die simplifies the mental calculations and illustrates how bits correspond to the number of possible outcomes and the total information needed.

category theory

Multiplication often appears in the guise of independent choices.

Exercise 1


Find other examples of combining two objects to get a third. Which of them seem to fit our pattern? That is, for which of them does the third object seem to have ‘maps’ to the two you began with? It may be helpful to start by thinking of real- life problems for which multiplication of numbers is needed to calculate the solution, but not all examples are related to multiplication of numbers.


The word “object” can be syllabified and converted to the IPA phonetic alphabet as follows:

  1. Syllabification: ob-ject
  2. IPA Conversion:
    • “ob-” → /ˈɒb/
    • “-ject” → /dʒɛkt/

So, the word “object” in IPA with syllabification is:


graph TD;
                C["/ˈɒb.dʒɛkt/"] -->|π₁| A["/ˈɒb/"];
                C["/ˈɒb.dʒɛkt/"] -->|π₂| B["/dʒɛkt/"];

Exercise 2


The part of Galileo’s work which we discussed is really concerned with only a small portion of space, say the immediate neighbourhood of the tower of Pisa. Since the ground might be uneven, what could be meant by saying that two points are at the same level? Try to describe an experiment for deciding whether two nearby points are at the same level, without using ‘height’ (distance from an imaginary plane of reference.) Try to use the most elemen tary tools possible


Assuming the sun is directly overhead you could use the size of the shadow as a mapping to the height.This is also assuming the plane has access to that information.


An endomap could be considered a graph viewing the internal diagram

Take a composition of relationships like one group of persons favorite person in that group and then a person from that group’s favorite food.

graph TD;
                subgraph People

                subgraph People2

                subgraph FavoriteFoods
                    DogPoop["Dog Poop"]

                Mary -->|f| John2
                John -->|f| John2
                Tyler -->|f| Tyler2

                Mary2 -->|g| Taco
                John2 -->|g| Pizza
                Tyler2 -->|g| DogPoop

                style People fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
                style People2 fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
                style FavoriteFoods fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

graph LR;
                A["Group of Persons"] -->|f| B["Favorite Person in the Group"];
                B --> |g|C["Favorite Food of Each Person"];

Semantically a composition like this might be expressed:

John’s favorite person is Mary where Mary’s favorite food is tacos.

(I’m taking care to use where instead of and because ‘and’ could be misconstrued as the product)

Exercise 3:

Check to be sure you understand how we got diagrams (ii) and (iii) from the given diagram (i). Then fill in (iv) and (v) yourself, starting over from (i). Then check to see that (v) and (iii) are the same.

This exercise is concerned with proving the associativity of composition. But I would like to do this semantically.

graph TD;
                subgraph People

                subgraph FavoriteFoods

                subgraph FoodCooking

                subgraph ServingUtensils
                    SteakUtensil["Fork & Knife"]

                Mary -->|f| Taco
                John -->|f| Pizza
                Tyler -->|f| Steak

                Taco -->|c| TacoCooking
                Pizza -->|c| PizzaCooking
                Steak -->|c| SteakCooking["Grilled"]

                TacoCooking -->|s| Plate
                PizzaCooking -->|s| Plate
                SteakCooking -->|s| SteakUtensil

                style People fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
                style FavoriteFoods fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
                style FoodCooking fill:#fcf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
                style ServingUtensils fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

Externally, this can be expressed as:

graph TD;
                subgraph Functions
                    FavoriteFoods["Favorite Foods"]
                    FoodCooking["Food Cooking"]
                    ServingUtensils["Serving Utensils"]

                People -->|f| FavoriteFoods
                FavoriteFoods -->|g| FoodCooking
                FoodCooking -->|h| ServingUtensils

                subgraph Associativity
                    D["(h ∘ (g ∘ f))"]
                    E["((h ∘ g) ∘ f)"]
                    D -.->|Associativity| E

                style Functions fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
                style Associativity fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Semantic representation

Serving Mary’s (cooked favorite food) Is the same thing as (serving cooked food) that’s Mary’s favorite.


When you’re looking at like integer proofs through like arithmetic and **** and you see patterns of sequences essentially what you’re doing is is looking at the lattice in a very specific rule set. And you’re basically finding rules to traverse through the lattice. I wonder if lattices have something to do with Pascal’s triangle

Unfounded hypothesis: All discrete math has relations somewhere between arrow and homomorphism.

If a mathematical tool can be applied to many different problems successfully then what does that say about the synonymity of the problem?

information theory is better understood as being fundamentally about the general mathematics of inference [26], par-ticularly, inference under conditions of uncertainty.

This distinction has been referred to as the difference between the syntactic information (which information theory is concerned with), and the semantic information (which it is not)

When considering “information theory as inference”, it is clear that the question of semantic information is largely irrelevant: we are not interested in what a message might mean, but rather, ensuring that we have inferred the correct message from some space of possible messages. The same mathematics, however can apply to any issue where we are attempting to increase our degree of certainty about the state of some as-yet-unknown variable. Whether it is a message coming down a pipe, the future state of an evolving system, or the degree of mutual coupling between two variables. These are the core questions that go into modelling complex systems

biomechanics [physics] math


displacement = = √(x^2 + y^2) ℓ = ∆distance s = ℓ/∆t


ℓ = 45 m t_1 = 5 s t_2 = 10 s

s = ℓ /(t_2 - t_1) = __m/s s = 45/(10 - 5) = 9 m/s


Velocity describes how fast a body moves in a specific direction x = x_1 - x_0 y = y_1 - y_0 or p = [x_1, y_1] - [x_0, y_0] v = ∆displacement/∆t = ∆d/∆t = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)/∆t


∆d = 39 m ∆t = 5 s v = ∆d/∆t = 39/5 = 7.8 m/s @ ~50°

And now for the velocity in the x, or down-the-field, direction: 1. Identify the known values and create a table of variables. • tf = t2 = 39 s • ti = t1 = 17 s • pi = 30 m (use the x value from the start position coordinates (30,15)) • pf = 55 m (use the x value from the final position coordinates (55,45)) • vx = Unknown, to be solved

v_x = (pf - pi) / (tf - ti) = (55 - 30) / (39 - 17) = ~1.13 m/s

And finally for the velocity in the y, or across-the-field, direction: 1. Identify the known values and create a table of variables. • tf = t2 = 39 s • ti = t1 = 17 s • pi = 15 m (use the y value from the start position coordinates (30,15)) • pf = 45 m (use the y value from the final position coordinates (55,45)) • vy = Unknown, to be solved

v_y = (pf - pi) / (tf - ti) = (45 - 15) / (39 - 17) = ~1.4 m/s

Describe the velocity of the player like this:

The resultant velocity of 1.8 m/s at 500 degrees consisted of component velocities of 1.13 m/s in the x direction and 1.4 m/s in the y direction. ## 8/10/2024

Captain ’De Morgann

Let A be see me, I’m just a cross product between rhythm and rhyming logic.

If I’m not inside and outside,I’m neither on their side nor my side, If I have to be myself, that Implies that I not lie myself, If I am a man than that implies that I am a guy as a self.

i’m not alive or dead,I’m neither here nor in my head I’m circle square instead, i’d rather be there but he’s barely out uh bed. Most days phase into fade aways,Lately in this phase where he try to stay a way a ways, Try to avoid my eye, from reaching any other person lest the sky. It’s anyones best guess Why he’s still wondering why.

He’s getting close but he’s still feeling he’s touching the ceiling. He should be reeling and dealing but he’s still healing.

Bro I know I have to get stronger but it’s so slow, How come when you smoke weed life flies by slow mo?


I feel like some teacher entity has to advance a field and put it into easy digestible **** so that everybody can treat this basic knowledge.

The homework is absolutely laughable like it’s doable it’s just really **** hard.

Lesson on Fundamental Logic Gates, De Morgan’s Principle, and Boolean Groups

1. Introduction to Fundamental Logic Gates

We’ll start with the basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.

2. Applying De Morgan’s Laws

De Morgan’s laws are central to understanding the relationships between different logic gates. These laws allow us to express the negation of an AND gate in terms of OR, and vice versa.

De Morgan’s Laws: 1. ( (A B) = A B ) 2. ( (A B) = A B )

These laws show how you can transform between gates by negating inputs and outputs.

AND and NOR Gates:

Using De Morgan: [ (A B) = A B ] This is the OR gate with negated inputs, which is the NOR gate.

OR and NAND Gates:

Using De Morgan: [ (A B) = A B ] This is the AND gate with negated inputs, which is the NAND gate.

XOR and XNOR Gates:

XOR and XNOR have their own unique relationships: - XOR Gate: ( A B ) - XNOR Gate (Negation of XOR): ( (A B) )

These gates don’t have direct De Morgan transformations, but they are closely related: - ( A B = (A B) (A B) ) - ( A B = (A B) = (A B) (A B) )

3. Boolean Group and Logic Gates

Understanding the Boolean Group Structure

A group in mathematics is a set equipped with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element while satisfying four conditions: closure, associativity, identity, and invertibility.

For logic gates, the operations (like AND, OR, NOT) can be considered as elements that form a group under certain operations like composition.

Boolean Group with Gates:

  1. Elements: The set includes the basic gates and their compositions (e.g., AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR).
  2. Operation: The group operation is the combination of gates (composition).
  3. Identity Element: The double negation (NOT NOT or ((A))) acts as the identity element, equivalent to the original input.
  4. Inverses: Each gate has an inverse within this system. For example:
    • AND is the inverse of NAND (and vice versa).
    • OR is the inverse of NOR (and vice versa).
Example of a Group Formation:

Consider the gates under the operation of composition: - Identity: ( I = = A ) - AND and NAND: ( A B ) and ( (A B) ) - OR and NOR: ( A B ) and ( (A B) )

If we treat these gates as elements, we can form a group where combining operations follows the group’s rules.


4. Practical Applications

Understanding these relationships is powerful in circuit design: - Circuit Simplification: Using De Morgan’s laws and the concept of duality, you can simplify complex Boolean expressions, reducing the number of gates required in a circuit. - Fault Tolerance: If a specific gate fails, you can sometimes replace it with its dual, maintaining the circuit’s functionality. - Optimization: By recognizing the group structure, you can optimize logic circuits for speed, power, or size.


  1. Transformations: Given a logic circuit composed of AND, OR, and NOT gates, apply De Morgan’s laws to transform it into an equivalent circuit using NAND and NOR gates only.

  2. Group Operation: Verify the group properties (closure, associativity, identity, and invertibility) for the set of operations {AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR} under composition.

  3. Boolean Expression Simplification: Simplify the Boolean expression ( (A (B C)) ) using De Morgan’s laws.

  4. Design a Circuit: Design a logic circuit that uses only NAND gates to implement a function equivalent to ( A B C ).

This structured approach will give you a solid understanding of how basic logic gates relate to each other, how De Morgan’s principles apply, and how these operations can form a Boolean group.



The act of writing, for instance, may be shaped not only by the writer’s conscious purposes but also by features of the media involved


learn distribution over wang squares

“The Morgan’s law is that the more you know, the more you need to learn.” - My auto complete

Anyway D Morgan’s law forms a group between the 4 basic logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT and NAND. alt text

If you look at this diagram you can see how we could draw a diagonal as the composition of the operators on the logic group. I don’t know if any of this is useful but it’s really nice being able to pick out this structure that just keeps showing up. ### journal My friend Adrian is the only one I know who is able to connect and make great leaps of insight like myself.^1 He expresses this insatiable need to learn and master systems in a different way. Most of my pursuits have been purely intellectual because I’m **** lazy and think that’s what being smart means and a lot of his are more practical and pragmatic. He fixes things, and he doesn’t need to know the whole system before he starts working in it. He’s able to compartmentalize and work locally. He usually only branches out when necessary.

He finishes things more than I do partly of that is because my hands don’t work so grea so a lot of times I only have mental exercise. But also again, I’m lazy. And I smoked too much weed.

[1] Bro obviously other people can do this, I just don’t know anybody personally. I don’t really have friends and I don’t get the chance to see how other people learn. ### Notes >Barthes and Greimas and the ‘grammar’ of narrative Semiotics is the study of the signs or : Processes representations ideas Etcetera that have semantic meaning.

Wear two signs that have the same semantic meaning could be considered synonymous or analogous at a weak relation

John Sturrock argues that whereas semantics focuses on what words mean, semiotics is concerned with how signs mean (Sturrock 1986, 22)

semantics: the relationship of signs to what they stand for;
            syntactics (or syntax): the formal or structural relations between signs;
            pragmatics: the relation of signs to interpreters (Morris 1938, 6-7). 


To increase your luck surface area you must generate more events. You can do this by knowing more people and going to more places and doing more things.

self assembly

Formulated in two basic versions, the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) and the kinetic Tile Assembly Model (kTAM), it was based on a cross between the theoretical study of Wang tiles (flat squares with colored markings on their edges and matching rules for the ways those edges can be placed next to each other)

Bro this is kind of like Ramsey theory?

Maybe you could make statistical self assembling systems and make a language model of it?


The two biggest problems I can see right now are getting a system to generate new rules and I think to do that you have to figure out how to get a system to represent code as data. To find a general way to represent Koda’s data mathematically? ## 8/6/2024 “The Science of Settlement: Ideas for Negotiators.”

How does structure affect expressivity, sparsity, combinations? Like what other structures are there besides lattices and ****

O K semantic functor is actually a bad name for this process because a functor is ### posts I think some people on the Internet write posts just to see their own thoughts. ### euthymia In psychiatry and psychology, euthymia is a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. In those with bipolar disorder, euthymia is a stable mental state or mood that is neither manic nor depressive. Achieving euthymia is the goal of the treatment for bipolar patients. ### poet #### an analogy: pink is to red as X is to blue pink_to_red = subtractv(colors[‘pink’], colors[‘red’]) closest(colors, addv(pink_to_red, colors[‘blue’]))

Distributional Hypothesis

Linguistic items with similar distributions have similar meanings.


Okay so I guess variables are just functions.😆😆😆 I feel like I have fallen down a hole. Every time I look at Math, there’s just more and more and more and more. Like after learning the basics of category theory and learning of computational Trinitarianism it’s like I’ve reached the top of a new plateau. Where everything below that had felt so large now seemed like stuff I would have learned in elementary school.

Seriously, I’m not trying to say that I know or rather grok a lot of this higher mathematical stuff. I don’t think I’ve even begun to put any of the larger pieces together and don’t think I will for years to come.

It’s reminiscent of the feeling when I first started really being able to play with code. And discovered that I was able to put stuff into a text file and iterate on it. Except this time I kind of have like a reference.


video ##### lyrics

Verse 1

The term mathematical maturity comes to mind. And if you plotted it on a number line, I’m sure you’d find I’d be rather to the left I guess Positive arrow sign. I’ve been learning, Turning, Number systems,

Pre hook

I might die before I breach a sky I’m only one guy only one life, It’s there and staring I have to try, I’m only half sure what I’m looking for but I’ll know when I arrive.


I’m sailing and I will find the way, On the seas of math I map the path each day Once I get it I’m addicted and I just can’t stay away from the hum I’m getting from the page

fl studio

I have Vochela. They gave it to me at NAAM. I really like it. It's good for Drums and pretty good for melodies. The mic they give you is low passed and latency is super low.

            Other options for some people

            Imitone -
            This one is pretty good and u don't need another mic to use it.

            Mtuner -
            A free option for real-time audio to midi using the midi output feature. You can put some other plugs before it to fine-tune it like mautopitch or a gate.


I’ve never known what I’ve had.


Semantic tools

I was talking about using semantic tools to augment ones creative thinking and viewing concepts as a higher dimensional space semantic space specifically that one can walk through.

This is beautiful because to me I have been writing about what I call semantic functors I would like to see if there’s a relation between these two tools.

Semantic functors

I cannot wait to do these semantic exercises

I bet you can travel through semantic space and patterns that are pleasing just in the same way one might have patterns in music.

cognitive prosthetic

I will come up with exercises to further increase my forward flow

Not sure if this is how it actually works but it’s a good model


I need to figure out implies

I should probably look up hating algebras with power sets

<= “implies”

In logic if you have falsity you can imply anything from that according to Richard Southwell I have no **** clue what that means

it’s like if i start doing arithmetic and i assume that one equals zero then i can carry on and prove any equality i like and it’s a sort of strange idea sort of akin to the notion of a function from an empty set it’s it’s a bit weird

Co products correspond with or, And I assume products corresponds with and

And apparently the exponential encodes implies

I could probably uh do a set of perfect rhymes under the phoneme M and make a power set of it and then do some intuitionistic logic oh but I can’t because less than or equals does not imply rhyming relation. Less than or equals is a one way arrow and a rhyming relation is a two way arrow



At this point my only hard requirement is someone who Is capable of conceptualizing that people are just as deep, Complicated, broken, weird as they are


the way you do somethings is the way you do everything

If all emotions originate from your brain then you are only really afraid of yourself. ### data is code This seems to be an argument for their interchangeability, not that one is the other. Sort of like Einstein’s acceleration versus gravity view. Or matter and energy.


Thinking categories in terms of pre orders makes them simpler because you don’t have to worry about all the arrows you can guarantee there’s a unique relations #### Exponential OK so all the evaluation morphism does is it takes all of the functions contained in the exponential set and map the elements of B to each function?

Yes, that’s correct! Let’s refine this understanding with a bit more precision.

Evaluation Morphism in Detail

In the context of the exponential object (C^B), the evaluation morphism () has a specific role:

[ : C^B B C ]

This morphism effectively “applies” a function from the exponential object (C^B) to an element of (B) and maps it to an element of (C). Let’s break this down step by step:

  1. Exponential Object (C^B): This is the set of all functions from (B) to (C). Each element of (C^B) is a function (f: B C).

  2. Evaluation Morphism (): For a given pair ((f, b) C^B B), where (f) is a function from (C^B) and (b) is an element of (B), the evaluation morphism maps this pair to (C) by applying the function (f) to the element (b):

[ (f, b) = f(b) ]

In other words, the evaluation morphism “evaluates” the function (f) at the point (b).

Concrete Example with Power Sets

Let’s use a concrete example to clarify this.


Let (X = {1, 2, 3}).

Step 1: Define the Exponential Object (C^B)

The exponential object (C^B) consists of all functions from (B) to (C). These are:

So, (C^B = {f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4}).

Step 2: Define the Evaluation Morphism

The evaluation morphism () takes a pair ((f, b) C^B B) and maps it to (C) by applying the function (f) to the element (b):

So the evaluation morphism essentially applies each function in (C^B) to each element of (B).


Ask yourself: What’s the next right thing? What’s the best I can do with what I have right now, in this moment — not tomorrow, not in ten minutes, but right now? What do I need right now? If my life were a novel and the present moment were a chapter in the story, what would I want the character to do next? What would future me wish that current me to do today? What’s something I can do right now to move in the right direction? I can’t stop x thing from happening on the other side of the globe. Can I raise awareness? Can I call someone? Can I donate? Can I educate myself?

The fact that we can’t predict the future means we can stop trying to. Rather than following a plan, follow a north star or an intention and just see what happens, approach life as an exploration.

When we stop trying to control and strategize, when we detach from dreaded or desired outcomes,

Doing the next right thing is about starting where we are and making the best right-now choice rather than trying to come up with or adhere to a perfect long-term plan. This helps to clear our Cognitive Load, free up inner-resources, and lead to best possible outcomes.


If we’re driving along and find a fallen tree on the road, it’s easy to label it a block, a setback, or an interruption. But the tree isn’t actually blocking the path, the path just includes navigating around a fallen tree. ”Block,” “setback,” and ”interruption” are labels we assign to the moments when our plans and expectations don’t match reality. We were unwittingly projecting a fantasy.


How do you get a mathematical machine to build its own abstractions? How do you set up conditions necessary to build combinatoric alch chemical reactions? How do you get a system that can compose its own compositions? And how do you do that while avoiding big empty sparsity expaansive branching conditions? Is it a Fusion of machine learning and math? Does category theory bring you up take you down the right path? I know I’m more sheen than brain blast But these are the kind of things that I can’t refrain to ask.

What’s the point in asking questions that you can’t answer?

I would like to I would like to

I’m just a man who learns what he can, because it changes what his brain can, Can you understand? Are you ACTUALLY actively listening than, Responding to the moment without wrining hands? Without holding plans? Without Constructing illusians, Without obstructing confusian Sorry even me myself and I I am lose-angg Animals with anime avatars are not factually human. <-tautology

Fuck astrology, Logic like spock - I cold rock tautologies Slim like earthworm jim, hit the gym and become more brolly Say some cringey shit, absolutely not prolly, But when I hit I crit “Gee Golly”,

My own brain contains ruses Conducted From busted string and duct tape fuses, The way I beat myself up doesn’t show bruises, Got a lot of exes and o so more excuses,

Arch enemy architecture Arching Me like I’m doctor venture, Kind of narcissistic like Doctor Venture, Kinda go ballistic like Doctor Venture, Pseudo intellect like Doctor Venture

I think I’m journaling to paint a better picture of myself, I think I’m working to become a better version of myself, I think it’s working but I can’t be sure ’cause sir I only talk to myself And I don’t know if that self helps.

For once in my lifetime I need to talk to something other than heads, If all I do is let the days go by I might do worse than cry before I’m dead.

“For better or worse I’m bound to this earth” is said, Despite being able to think abstractly, it’s exactly happening all inside my head. he’s there right beside me each time a book is read, Each time a look is red, Every time I wake up lying Trying to sleep in my bed


active listening

This could be a defense mechanism. If I learn to listen to people I’m better I can be more aware when there’s aberrant behavior.

emotional labeling

active living

antlike 0.2

let instructions =

-01 X      MEM[-X] += 1
             00 X      HALT
             01 X      MEM[X] += 1
             02 X      MEM[X] -= 1
             03 X Y    MEM[X] += Y
             04 X Y    MEM[X] -= Y
             05 X Y    MEM[Y] += X
             06 X Y    MEM[Y] -= X
             07 X Y    MEM[X] += MEM[Y]
             08 X Y    MEM[X] -= MEM[Y]
             09 X Y    MEM[Y] += MEM[X]
             10 X Y    MEM[Y] -= MEM[X]
             11 X Y    SWAP MEM[X] MEM[Y]
             12 X Y    SWAP MEM[Y] MEM[X]
             13 X      JUMP MEM[X]
             14 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] >= MEM[Y]
             15 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] =< MEM[Y]
             16 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] == MEM[Y]



Lead your normal life.

anxiety mania

If I tell myself to come down it helps. Not calm down because I’m not uncalm, i’m manic.

I have to manage my mania like a video game character has to manage their fear in like a horror game. For me if I just feed into it and let go I lose control and I’m like falling through time. I also tend to get hyper feminine.


When someone does something that you think is really **** **** or some **** like that just call them weird bro.

Saying Trump is a dictator, Trump is felon, Trump is just bad requires some context and explaining. when you are explaining you are losing. Not to mention how much will Trump being a dictator actually impact a white suburban family in Tulsa?

            But weird is a vibe. Weird is universally understood. Dictators are at least perceived as strong. But weird, nah we don't want weird

I mean weird works for that too.

“Oh you’re just trying to be woke”

“Better woke than weird!”

My response would be “bro that’s just the old way to think”

Bro that’s like something a Christian would say


I think I would like to Approach people like cats


I’m so old I no longer look at the clock I look at the calendar.

I think the reason that woman did not look at me when I looked at her is because I genuinely had no interest there was only the musing level of you know primality interest.

In public I would like to conduct some level of decorum. One of which is not to behave in an ungentleman way.

I would like to respect people’s privacy. ### Math You can replace any distance line with a circle with a diameter of the distance.

Maybe you can use a probabilistic Turing Machine to learn the composition of programs?


what’s my identity function?


Antlike 0.1

I think if I allow for symmetric operations I am encoding category ****

let instructions =

01 X      MEM[X] += 1
            02 X      MEM[X] -= 1
            03 X Y    MEM[X] += Y
            04 X Y    MEM[X] -= Y
            05 X Y    MEM[Y] += X
            06 X Y    MEM[Y] -= X
            07 X Y    MEM[X] += MEM[Y]
            08 X Y    MEM[X] -= MEM[Y]
            09 X Y    MEM[Y] += MEM[X]
            10 X Y    MEM[Y] -= MEM[X]
            11 X Y    SWAP MEM[X] MEM[Y]
            12 X Y    SWAP MEM[Y] MEM[X]
            13 X      JUMP MEM[X]
            14 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] >= MEM[Y]
            15 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] =< MEM[Y]
            16 X Y Z  JUMP TO Z IF MEM[X] == MEM[Y]

class substrate def: A n by n matrix Where n is a power of 2. In my specific case it will be 2^5. The substrate has cells that have the operational data. So that every cell either contains a valid instruction or a no op.

class tapehead def: A tape head is an Is similar to an ant in Langdon’s ants, but instead it is just a instruction pointer that points to a cell on the substrate and operates according to the instructions. After the instructions are executed it is iterated by the instructions arguments count Unless it hits a jump. properties: x y instruction limit = 2^n : n = 5 = 32

class universe: def: Contains a substrate in a list of tape heads. Handles logic for epochs, Logging,Initializing, saving, loading the state of the substrate and tape heads. debug: Print out the substrate and the location of all pointers on it.

Simultion Archetecture: This is very similar to Langston’s ants. However this project is attempting to do something that could be considered an extension:

The ants will be tape heads that will read the two dimensional substrate and operate on it according to the instructions.

2^n [ ] [0, …, 2^n - 1]

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [7], 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] 2^5 = 32, [7] = tapehead location

[… ,[7], (8), (9), …] I X Y

07 X Y MEM[X] += MEM[Y]

8 + 9 = 17

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [7], 17, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]

Pointer is iterated by the instructions char amount.

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 9, [10], 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]


extend ops? self assemble? categories

There will be specific heads that will encode specific data.

Shannon Entropy

Sure, let’s break down the concepts of Shannon entropy, Kolmogorov complexity, and how they come together in the concept of high-order entropy.

Shannon entropy is a measure of the uncertainty or randomness in a set of data. For a string of length ( n ), where each character (or token) comes from an alphabet ( ), the Shannon entropy ( H ) is calculated as:

[ H(X) = - _{x } P(x) _2 P(x) ]

Here: - ( X ) is the random variable representing the characters in the string. - ( P(x) ) is the probability of each character ( x ) appearing in the string.

This formula gives you a measure of how unpredictable the string is based on the distribution of characters.

Kolmogorov Complexity

Kolmogorov complexity ( K ) of a string is the length of the shortest possible description (in some fixed programming language) of that string. It is a theoretical measure of the computational resources needed to specify the string.

Normalized Kolmogorov Complexity

Normalized Kolmogorov complexity is the Kolmogorov complexity ( K ) divided by the length of the string ( n ):

[ K = ]

This normalization allows us to compare complexities of strings of different lengths on a per-character basis.

High-Order Entropy

High-order entropy ( H_e ) combines Shannon entropy and normalized Kolmogorov complexity to provide a more refined measure of complexity:

[ H_e = H - ]

Here: - ( H ) is the Shannon entropy. - ( K(s) ) is the Kolmogorov complexity of the string ( s ). - ( n ) is the length of the string.



Let’s consider a simple example. Suppose we have a string ( s ) consisting of repeated patterns, like “abababab”.

  1. Shannon Entropy:
    • The string has 4 ’a’s and 4 ’b’s.
    • ( P(a) = P(b) = 0.5 ).
    • ( H(X) = - (0.5 _2 0.5 + 0.5 _2 0.5) = 1 ).
  2. Kolmogorov Complexity:
    • A simple program to generate “abababab” might be “repeat ‘ab’ 4 times”.
    • The length of this description is much shorter than the string itself.
    • Suppose ( K(s) = 20 ) bits (just for example’s sake).
  3. Normalized Kolmogorov Complexity:
    • The length ( n ) of the string is 8.
    • ( K = = 2.5 ).
  4. High-Order Entropy:
    • ( H_e = H - = 1 - 2.5 = -1.5 ).

The negative value indicates that the string is less random and more structured than what is suggested by its Shannon entropy alone.

By combining these metrics, high-order entropy provides a deeper understanding of the string’s complexity, taking into account both local randomness and global compressibility.


If you have any specific questions or need further examples, feel free to ask!


unbounded computation xyz pointer

An electrostatic force or the Coulombic force is defined as the force of attraction or repulsion between two like and unlike charges, respectively. The two charges bear equal magnitude but opposite charges and are separated by some distance.



alt text alt text alt text

I have to live deliberately. Serendipity I found a Haskell web framework

math alt text


Math can be used to model phenomena in the universe and in some cases one to one but that does not mean that it’s how the universe work #### dating ask how their day was.

n0tes modes of abstraction

I am able to think in the computational substrate IE code is data and data is code. And morphisms on this category critical theory

do alot a little

Daydreaming and overanalyzing situations That have yet to come as kind of like Writing verses without a beat. Alone it sounds OK, but when you put it into practice you’ll notice there’s a lot of things that happen that you didn’t plan for or inconsistencies.

Analogy is incredibly important. And I would say Semantic Functors are also really important.

powerset poset

we calling a plus b the least upper bound of a and b. well you see with this notation we’ve got that a plus b is greater than or equal to a and it’s greater than or equal to b so it is sort of an upper bound on a and b.

But it is also the least such one because if we have any other such thing like this h here which is greater than or equal to a greater than equals b then h is greater than or equal to a plus b so a plus b is like the smallest thing which is greater than or equal to a and b.

and then if you think about the kind of set theory version of that think about what’s the kind of smallest subset which contains a and contains b it’s the union right the union of a and b that’s the set of all elements which are in a or b

On Analogizing

When you analogize, you explain one thing by comparing it to another. You make an analogy. If you say that DNA is like a twisted ladder, you analogize to make it easier for someone to imagine.

The word analogize comes from the Greek analogizesthai which basically means “to sum up.” …

Interesting so by this definition, My understanding of analogy has been extremely wrong. There’s probably ways to implicitly analogize as well.

There’s simile and there’s metaphor but what I’m getting at here is all of this is a fuzzy approximation or at it’s loosest end, simply Some relation.

I’m interested in something a little more concrete.

What are functors?

I’m borrowing the term functor from category theory which is a structure preserving operation from one category to another.

The simplest example I can think of is say you have a category of round Cups in a cupboard.

Now let’s say one day you take all the cups out and you replace all of them with power tools(Exactly one for each cup).

But then you become self conscious because you’re keeping power tools in the kitchen, So you toss all that out and replace them with glass cups.

But then you…

It doesn’t matter what happens, Each time you have the same number of items in the cupboard right? Your operation is replacing the items but all of the meta structure is preserved–you still have the same amount of items And you can always replace the items with something else.

Your explanation offers a creative analogy to illustrate the concept of functors in category theory. However, it could be clarified to better align with the formal definition. Here’s a more refined version:
            ### What are Functors?
            In category theory, a functor is a structure-preserving map between categories. Think of it as a consistent way to transform objects and morphisms (arrows) in one category to objects and morphisms in another, while respecting the categorical structure.
            Let's use a more relatable example to explain this concept.
            Imagine you have a category of round cups in a cupboard. Each cup represents an object, and moving a cup from one position to another represents a morphism.
            One day, you decide to replace each round cup with a power tool. The cupboard now contains power tools instead of cups. The objects have changed, but you still have a one-to-one correspondence between the original set of cups and the new set of power tools.
            Now, you become self-conscious about keeping power tools in the kitchen, so you replace them with glass cups. Again, the objects in the cupboard have changed, but the one-to-one correspondence is maintained.
            No matter how many times you replace the items, you always have the same number of items, and the relationships (morphisms) between the items are preserved. This operation of replacing items while maintaining the structure is analogous to what a functor does.
            A functor \(F\) between two categories \(C\) and \(D\) consists of:
            1. A function \(F\) mapping each object in \(C\) to an object in \(D\).
            2. A function \(F\) mapping each morphism in \(C\) to a morphism in \(D\).
            These mappings must preserve the structure of the categories:
            - If \(f: A \rightarrow B\) is a morphism in \(C\), then \(F(f): F(A) \rightarrow F(B)\) is a morphism in \(D\).
            - For every object \(A\) in \(C\), \(F(\text{id}_A) = \text{id}_{F(A)}\).
            - If \(g \circ f\) is the composition of \(f\) and \(g\) in \(C\), then \(F(g \circ f) = F(g) \circ F(f)\).
            In summary, a functor transforms the objects and morphisms of one category into another while preserving the categorical structure. Just like in our example, the items in the cupboard changed, but the overall structure (the one-to-one correspondence and relationships) remained intact.
            This refined version explains the concept more formally while still using your analogy to make it accessible.
what is semantics?

Depending on the field you’re studying this has Various meanings but it basically I interpret it as:

The underlying conceptual meaning of a text[1]

In other words, it’s what you’re trying to say not how you’re trying to say it.

[1]Where text is defined as a Single unit of meaning from a predefined language natural or otherwise.

semantic functors

Alright so if we smash these two things together we get semantic functors. What I’m basically trying to say is that you can use explicit descriptive examples of things in multiple different ways to say the same thing.

And just like a functor, a semantic functor is a structure preserving operation from one category to another, In our case we use the category of English language.


natuarl semantic chains


computational trinitarianism (which relates to the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence, and the Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation). #### dating Match the other persons energy I want to share moments. The kind of moments I had when I was a kid but I don’t think I need to be fucked up anymore to experience them. You want to play music with them so to speak, While still playing your own instrument, Try to put into things as much as the other person puts into things

You can’t make up a bunch of **** **** **** scenarios in your brain about someone you haven’t even met, because I mean if you do that then you’re not even knowing the person! One just knows a figment of one’s imagination which is almost worse than just like jacking off to yourself.

say less do more, be more. people don’t like your raw emotions. Sometimes I experience emotions very intensely. When I share I feel it’s two intense for others.

When it comes to seeing and thinking about people, Especially one’s Who are potential partners it’s good to also like only do a little bit but regularly. And then like through regularity and familiarity ;things can like garner comfort?


By studying categories and functors, we are not just studying a class of mathematical structures and the morphisms between them, we are studying the relationships between various classes of mathematical structure.

44 phonemes ipa set {v,c} = trivial phonemes And then all unique V,C have some distance.

venn diagram 1-7

When finding morphisms ask yourself can I define a relationship between these two objects,Or can I find a function between these two objects,Or is there a process,


Exponential Object

The exponential looks like it takes a definition of a function in an input and returns the function at that input

Universal morphism

whenever you have a function with many inputs you can think well i can think of it as a function which returns a function which has one less input and then you can always sort of chain things together so that you can think of everything in terms of functions with one input

there’s many interesting examples of exponential objects and it’s so worthwhile to get to grips with them um so you know one can start to think about them in terms of sets and a great way to begin is just to take two sets and then to just see if you can write down all the different functions from one set to another and then maybe try and work out what’s the formula for the number of functions from one set to another set in terms of how many elements those source and target sets have and you can think about the ideas of evaluating functions and iterating functions and all sorts of things in terms of exponential objects so s ### 7/22/2024 Please earnestly just leave me alone if not I’ve got wireless bullets next to my cellular phone


The set of all identical rhymes with the identical operator I think is a discrete category.

ty max school

david ty for books reading

I gotta bored listening to you and then I went to church and got bored again.

I don’t think AI needs embodied stuff to affect this environment but it needs a way to affect its “thinking”. ie perturbation Its own relationship graph in measure You need a way to update the local graph while having instantaneous composition to other parts of the graph..

The algorithm also needs to be able to handle arbitrary signal inputs of any data type and Encoding As long as it’s communicated through the same medium

Bro could you put a tape head over grammars defined by categories?


shallow brain: one in which the bare basics of exploring functors exist.I’m wondering which is able to see its own category I’m wondering which is able to see its own category

funtion equivalency alt text

empty set is a sort of initial object in this category of sets

the empty sets the only set that has a function from it into the empty set is itself empty

cartesian product

alt text what does that mean well in a sense you could say it’s a element of the set which is the cartesian product of the set of men and the set of women it’s a pair of a man and a woman and if you do

You take out of the data structure with: projection alt text

these are our functions which allow us to basically extract the values out of this kind of a times b thing

And you can put things into: alt text

This looks suspiciously like vector matrix multiplication. Where the matrix is the frost product on the set and the vector is H

I believe a market intelligence is looking at an item and being able to see it in as many ways as possible.

This includes mental items ideas Etcetera. And I think category theory is a way to help explore this

alt text alt text

Categorical product

alt text

OK so consider H the set of all the cleaning processes for categories A and B.

I put the coffee cup and the plate in the Special cleaning machine. This machine runs a specific cleaning function for each type of kitchenware.

I then initiate pi one and get my cleaned coffee cup back and I initiate pi two and get my cleaned plate back.

The categorical product can be viewed as

Categorical co product

disjoint or discriminated union of these two sets discriminated union of these two things


Is it possible to somehow train functors?

Hypothesis Large language models act as functors.

Woke up and could not stop thinking about relationships with people.

Translate mathematical expressions into English equivalents

math foundation

A category is: - A set of objects - A set of morphisms(arrows) - has an identity morphism - composition - associativity

The set of perfect rhymes under m_n phonemes is the objects of the category.

The set of perfect rhymes under m_n phonemes is the objects of the category.

The morphisms or arrows are the rhyming relations. In this case every single Perfect rhyme rhymes perfectly with every other perfect rhyme in the set.

the identity Morphism is the arrow unto itself which coincidentally is A class of rhymes called identical rhymes wherein which every syllable is exactly the same

The rhyming relation respects composition because given any three words that perfectly rhyme with each other if the first one rhymes with the second one and the second one rhymes with the third then the first one must rhyme with the third.

Associativity holds because #Todo

Is every object in relation to itself its own category with one object?

the key observation is that elements in a set correspond to functions into that set from a single element set

also is sort of reminiscent of some ideas from language like the idea that you could um kind of make nouns into verbs if you like um so like arrows are more like kind of verbs and you can and the remarkable thing is you can describe everything in category theory in terms


maybe diff everything terminal objects w_everything rhymes with everything

Also there is a proof stating that identity morphisms are unique but if we look at The set of perfect rhymes we can trivially prove this: PROOF:

Consider the set of perfect rhymes that rhyme on syllables s ∈ S Where S is the set of all possible syllables in the English language. And we have a sane repeatable way to syllabify every word.

A perfect rhyme is defined as words that have the same syllables but only differ on their beginning consonants.

And define identical Rhymes as two words that have the same exact syllables.

And let’s define homophones as two words that are spelled the same but sound different.

So speaking in English we can say that homophones and identical rhymes are equal.

And also since they’re equal they both have the same exact syllables and if they have the same exact syllables then they must be Transcribed or written in the same exact way, it doesn’t matter the orthography.

So there is only one identity and that is itself.

The only thing we kinda have to hold hands about is we need to agree

Functional composition of functions ( f ) and ( g ) is defined as:

[ (f g)(x) = f(g(x)) ]

where ( g ) is applied first, followed by ( f ).

These are functional viewpoint translations

Putting a cup in the cupboard after washing it is the same as washing it then putting it in the cupboard.

Putting a banana in the fridge after buying it is the same as buying it, then putting it in the fridge.

The composition of processes (IE one after the other) on any given item is the same as taking the succession of those processes on that item

drum map

posives-kick fricative-hats

category theory

An identity map can be thought of as a zero-fold composite, in much the same way that the number 1 can be thought of as the product of zero numbers.s

The isomorphisms in Set are exactly the bijections


alt text This category to me suggests that there is an isomorphism between it and trigonometry. And a funk door between intriguing armory and trigonometry and the vector representation.


the composition of the image of arrows is the image of the composition of the arrows

just like a function doesn’t have to cover all of its target sets these functors don’t have to cover all at the target category

and can be many to some

Covariant functor preserves the direction of arrows


Richard Southwell describes category theory as a minimal language for describing composition.

This other dude defines it as the abstract theory of abstract functions.

I found some python software that will syllabify and ipaify words. This will be good going forward

To me a monoid is a single dimensional vector space All elements are lists of all the vector in composition is defined by whatever operation the monid is underr


私は,thats me, 僕は, that’s how i be.

I think that given a finite list of words that rhyme no two will be equivalent in their relation unless they are identical. And identical rhymes are more rare than not So I think you can have an order over the set of all words that rhyme within a given set of syllables and sound

Consider “time” and ‘tyme’, and “dime” Where ‘tyme’ is the Identical rhyme and all perfect rhymes are 1 consonant difference in the beginning right? But now consider the distance that the tongue and mouth have to move to get to the different phoneme. I think this distance can form relationship maps over the perfect rhyme words to form some sort of order. So despite time and dime being perfect rhymes, the distance between the tongue and mouth is close They’re both using types of plosives

Alphonic substitution would also drop it out of the identical rhyme into somewhere in between the perfect and identical.

So consider this for distance right consider the word “back” Now consider “pack”, Both plosives so in articulation space they’re closer. Now let’s take the same word “back” And consider “sack” this time; Instead now we have a fricative, We’re no longer using the lips and instead of the tip of the tongue. It’s a different class of movementt. buuuut s and t Are basically the same exact tongue placement just one is a plosive and the other one is a fricative.


It might be interesting to map syllables to drum sheet music

I learned today that there aren’t many languages where 7 is a single syllable. There is warning Welsh in is pronounced: Saith.



I realized that the reason I like drum and bass and really technical rap is ’cause both of them are hurting that sweet spot would like the sick intricate you know rhythms ### 7/13/2024

Make a bot that traverses all the arrows in categories and then finds specific compositions of unknown functions or unknown compositions.

Real artificial general intelligence will be worn from category theory because it’s the interface overall of mathematics

I think you have to get this thing to discover an natrp-0ual transformations memorize a whole Japanese story verbating or write it down or some **** like that.


Bro why the **** does it feel like there are two mes

Every single day I ask myself if I’m a good therapist and I’ve learned to stop asking it out loud. - Dr. Katz


I really wish I watched card captor Sakura when I was a kid.


If someone’s not getting you or you’re frustrated or something like that you can just apologize like sorry I just really don’t want to waste of time so we’re going to need to Drop it or clarify

I’m afraid my brother is gonna throw his life away and it makes me very sad. There was one point where I thought we could do stuff together. But I don’t know.

Life is pain in the same way that no one deserves happiness Life is pain in the same way that no one deserves happiness

I’m scared that you mother fuckers One day you want to take my life away.

To be honest if someone tried to kill me in a different way I might just let him. But because that’s The reason you want to end my seasons Your garbage **** reasons I reject them. I mean that in the most utmost disrespect and If you come against me you’re gonna see my weapon


beat box time x articularitve phonemes

I do things no one can do

I need to come up with some kind of recursive algorithm that finds matching phonemes and matching areas?

You don’t have to today but knowing the IPA would be helpful as it is a good representation of concrete phoneme sound which would allow you to progress rhyme theory

I’m looking at like you know alphones alphones homophones and stuff like that what other words are there for relations between phonemes and morphemes and graphemes I need all of them please and I need to know how they all relate please.


Pre-glottalization normally occurs in British and American English when the fortis consonant phoneme is followed by another consonant or when the consonant is in final position. Thus football and catching are often pronounced [ˈfʊʔtbɔːl] (fuutbal) and [ˈkæʔtʃɪŋ],(catt-ching) respectively. Even more frequently, glottal replacement happens in such cases involving /t/, so that football is pronounced [ˈfʊʔbɔːl] (fuhtbull).

Consider my example: If~you're~sixty footʔtall, That's~too~tall~for footʔball


English is an extremely lossy representation of phonically what is happening in the rhyme

such as [p] (for the p in spit) versus [pʰ] (for the p in pit, which in English is an aspirated allophone of /p/: pronounced with an extra burst of air).

A pair of words like kátur and gátur (above) that differ only in one phone is called a minimal pair for the two alternative phones in question (in this case, [kʰ] and [k]). >(English orthography is not as strongly phonemic as that of many other languages). >In linguistics, fortis and lenis (/ˈfɔːrtɪs/ FOR-tiss and /ˈliːnɪs, ˈlɛnɪs/ LEE-niss, LEN-iss;[1] Latin for “strong” and “weak”), sometimes identified with ‘tense’ and ‘lax’, are pronunciations of consonants with relatively greater and lesser energy, respectively. English has

fortis consonants, such as the p in pat, with a corresponding lenis consonant, such as the b in bat. Fortis and lenis consonants may be distinguished by tenseness or other characteristics, such as voicing, aspiration, glottalization, velarization, length, and length of nearby vowels. Fortis and lenis were coined for languages where the contrast between sounds such as ‘p’ and ‘b’ does not involve voicing (vibration of the vocal cords).

Pre-glottalization Is a beautiful phrase.

pun minimal pair #### conjecture


phonemes: grapheme morpheme

conjecture:Rhyming is a cross product on the set of English phonemes P and, {n : n ∈ Q} the set of all rational divisions of a given period of time t, such that ℜ ={(p, n) : p ∈ P, n ∈ Q}`.

Further if this is true then you could consider that sheet music by western definition is now a cross product between The set ℜ rhyming and the set H for Hertz or frequency

My philosophy with In exploring the system is heavily influenced by J Cummings. It goes as such: grab the smallest pieces of the system and move them around. That’s it.

The next step if you want to internalize the system you’re working with you need some repetition whether that’s doing problems of it every day reading about it every day although that’s passive and I really really recommend an active activity. Personally if I want the system in my soul, I take its basic pieces and break them up and put them in flash cards and I memorize the **** out of them for a month or so. This takes a lot of effort from me’cause it’s almost a little painful to do it this way but I found this is one of the ways that you can really force yourself to grab a hold of one part of the picture.

So for us I am going to give you this csv that has all of the English phonemes. It also has a set of the most common intervals used in Music; Rational numbers whose denominator is a multiple of four or three

Here are the 44 English phonemes. vid Learn the IPA – Consonants – American English - by Rachel’s English


Type;Phoneme;English Phonetic;IPA
            Vowel;/iː/;ee as in see;[iː]
            Vowel;/ɪ/;i as in sit;[ɪ]
            Vowel;/e/;e as in bed;[e]
            Vowel;/æ/;a as in cat;[æ]
            Vowel;/ɑː/;ah as in father;[ɑː]
            Vowel;/ɒ/;o as in pot;[ɒ]
            Vowel;/ɔː/;aw as in saw;[ɔː]
            Vowel;/ʊ/;u as in put;[ʊ]
            Vowel;/uː/;oo as in food;[uː]
            Vowel;/ʌ/;u as in cup;[ʌ]
            Vowel;/ɜː/;er as in her;[ɜː]
            Vowel;/ə/;a as in sofa;[ə]
            Diphthong;/eɪ/;ay as in say;[eɪ]
            Diphthong;/aɪ/;eye as in my;[aɪ]
            Diphthong;/ɔɪ/;oy as in boy;[ɔɪ]
            Diphthong;/aʊ/;ow as in now;[aʊ]
            Diphthong;/əʊ/;oh as in go;[əʊ]
            Diphthong;/ɪə/;ear as in here;[ɪə]
            Diphthong;/eə/;air as in there;[eə]
            Diphthong;/ʊə/;ure as in pure;[ʊə]
            Consonant;/p/;p as in pat;[p]
            Consonant;/b/;b as in bat;[b]
            Consonant;/t/;t as in top;[t]
            Consonant;/d/;d as in dog;[d]
            Consonant;/k/;k as in cat;[k]
            Consonant;/g/;g as in go;[g]
            Consonant;/tʃ/;ch as in chat;[tʃ]
            Consonant;/dʒ/;j as in jump;[dʒ]
            Consonant;/f/;f as in fish;[f]
            Consonant;/v/;v as in van;[v]
            Consonant;/θ/;th as in think;[θ]
            Consonant;/ð/;th as in this;[ð]
            Consonant;/s/;s as in see;[s]
            Consonant;/z/;z as in zoo;[z]
            Consonant;/ʃ/;sh as in she;[ʃ]
            Consonant;/ʒ/;zh as in measure;[ʒ]
            Consonant;/h/;h as in hat;[h]
            Consonant;/m/;m as in man;[m]
            Consonant;/n/;n as in no;[n]
            Consonant;/ŋ/;ng as in sing;[ŋ]
            Consonant;/l/;l as in lip;[l]
            Consonant;/r/;r as in run;[r]
            Consonant;/j/;y as in yes;[j]
            Consonant;/w/;w as in we;[w]
q, x

Q and X are known as graphemes and they are a combination of two phonemes. Q:/kw/;kw as in quick;[kw] X:/ks/;ks as in sax;[ks]

And here are the most common* time denominationss

Interval;Denomination;Sheet Music Representation;Other Representation
            Whole Note;1;𝅝;Whole
            Half Note;1/2;𝅗𝅥;Half
            Quarter Note;1/4;𝅘𝅥;Quarter
            Eighth Note;1/8;𝅘𝅥𝅮;Eighth
            Sixteenth Note;1/16;𝅘𝅥𝅯;Sixteenth
            Thirty-Second Note;1/32;𝅘𝅥𝅰;Thirty-Second
            Sixty-Fourth Note;1/64;𝅘𝅥𝅱;Sixty-Fourth
            Whole Rest;1;𝄽;Whole Rest
            Half Rest;1/2;𝄼;Half Rest
            Quarter Rest;1/4;𝅾;Quarter Rest
            Eighth Rest;1/8;𝅿;Eighth Rest
            Sixteenth Rest;1/16;𝆀;Sixteenth Rest
            Thirty-Second Rest;1/32;𝆁;Thirty-Second Rest
            Sixty-Fourth Rest;1/64;𝆂;Sixty-Fourth Rest
            Dotted Whole Note;1 1/2;𝅝.;Dotted Whole
            Dotted Half Note;3/4;𝅗𝅥.;Dotted Half
            Dotted Quarter Note;3/8;𝅘𝅥.;Dotted Quarter
            Dotted Eighth Note;3/16;𝅘𝅥𝅮.;Dotted Eighth
            Dotted Sixteenth Note;3/32;𝅘𝅥𝅯.;Dotted Sixteenth
            Dotted Thirty-Second Note;3/64;𝅘𝅥𝅰.;Dotted Thirty-Second

And here’s some more that I don’t even know what the hell this is about. My AI auto complete just added it and it looked cool. So if you know any songs that use this kind of junk or any of the weird time signature stuff let me know because I would be very interested.



So the next most logical thing to do is take a song that you like and try and To transcribe it in such a way where you could see all of the phonemes and how long of an interval they took.

And to me this seems like a whole shit ton of work. So I asked Sam Altman’s homunculus to help me out:


Let’s create a basic 2-stanza song in 4/4 time and demonstrate how rhyming can be mapped as a cross product of English phonemes and musical intervals.

Basic 2-Stanza Song

Stanza 1:

Line 1: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
            Line 2: How I wonder what you are
            Line 3: Up above the world so high
            Line 4: Like a diamond in the sky

Stanza 2:

Line 1: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
            Line 2: How I wonder what you are
4/4 Time Notation

In 4/4 time, each measure has 4 beats. We’ll map each syllable to a musical note, and for simplicity, we’ll use quarter notes for each syllable.

Rhyming and Cross Product

We’ll consider rhyming syllables as pairs that share similar phonemes.

Rhyming Pairs: - “star” and “are” - “high” and “sky”

Human note:

It is a very good thing that the homunculus defined rhyming for us I did not rigorously define what a rhyme is. There is an amazing post by Chase λ

Where he gives an explicit definition of what a rhyme is but I’m Going to relax on the rigor a little bit and Justice assume that we all have a common idea of what I mean by rhyming, or something rhymes.

Once you can break down words into the phony and start using phonemes that rhyme as like a variable they can swap out but with a constraint because it has to like make a real word right

So it could be said two words could rhyme if they have similar phonemes in similar locations and the ordered set of phonemes is a subset of English words

Cross Product

We will take the cross product of English phonemes with musical intervals for the rhyming pairs in each measure. Here’s how it might look for our song:

Mapping to the Song

Stanza 1:

Measure Syllables Phonemes (IPA) Musical Interval (4/4 Time) Cross Product
1 Twin-kle, twin-kle, lit-tle star /t/, /w/, /ɪ/, /ŋ/, /k/, /l/, /ɪ/, /t/, /l/, /s/, /t/, /ɑː/ Quarter notes (/t/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ɪ/, 1/4), (/ŋ/, 1/4), (/k/, 1/4), (/l/, 1/4), (/ɪ/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/l/, 1/4), (/s/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4)
2 How I won-der what you are /h/, /aʊ/, /aɪ/, /w/, /ʌ/, /n/, /d/, /ɜː/, /w/, /ɑː/, /t/, /j/, /uː/, /ɑː/ Quarter notes (/h/, 1/4), (/aʊ/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ʌ/, 1/4), (/n/, 1/4), (/d/, 1/4), (/ɜː/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/j/, 1/4), (/uː/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4)
3 Up a-bove the world so high /ʌ/, /p/, /ə/, /b/, /ʌ/, /v/, /ð/, /ə/, /w/, /ɜː/, /l/, /d/, /s/, /əʊ/, /h/, /aɪ/ Quarter notes (/ʌ/, 1/4), (/p/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/b/, 1/4), (/ʌ/, 1/4), (/v/, 1/4), (/ð/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ɜː/, 1/4), (/l/, 1/4), (/d/, 1/4), (/s/, 1/4), (/əʊ/, 1/4), (/h/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4)
4 Like a di-a-mond in the sky /l/, /aɪ/, /k/, /ə/, /d/, /aɪ/, /ə/, /m/, /ə/, /n/, /d/, /ɪ/, /n/, /ð/, /ə/, /s/, /k/, /aɪ/ Quarter notes (/l/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4), (/k/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/d/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/m/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/n/, 1/4), (/d/, 1/4), (/ɪ/, 1/4), (/n/, 1/4), (/ð/, 1/4), (/ə/, 1/4), (/s/, 1/4), (/k/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4)

Stanza 2:

Measure Syllables Phonemes (IPA) Musical Interval (4/4 Time) Cross Product
5 Twin-kle, twin-kle, lit-tle star /t/, /w/, /ɪ/, /ŋ/, /k/, /l/, /ɪ/, /t/, /l/, /s/, /t/, /ɑː/ Quarter notes (/t/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ɪ/, 1/4), (/ŋ/, 1/4), (/k/, 1/4), (/l/, 1/4), (/ɪ/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/l/, 1/4), (/s/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4)
6 How I won-der what you are /h/, /aʊ/, /aɪ/, /w/, /ʌ/, /n/, /d/, /ɜː/, /w/, /ɑː/, /t/, /j/, /uː/, /ɑː/ Quarter notes (/h/, 1/4), (/aʊ/, 1/4), (/aɪ/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ʌ/, 1/4), (/n/, 1/4), (/d/, 1/4), (/ɜː/, 1/4), (/w/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4), (/t/, 1/4), (/j/, 1/4), (/uː/, 1/4), (/ɑː/, 1/4)

This table shows each measure, the syllables within that measure, their IPA phoneme representations, the musical intervals (quarter notes in this case), and the cross product of phonemes with intervals.

For each pair of rhyming words: - Stanza 1, Measure 1 & 2: “star” (/s/, /t/, /ɑː/, /r/) and “are” (/ɑː/, /r/) - Stanza 1, Measure 3 & 4: “high” (/h/, /aɪ/) and “sky” (/s/, /k/, /aɪ/)

These pairs can be considered as elements of the cross product set where the intervals and phonemes match.

This basic framework demonstrates how you can start mapping phonemes and intervals to songs using category theory concepts. For more detailed songs, this mapping can be extended and refined. Let me know if you’d like to explore this further!


I think the flies with the gold and green bodies are pretty. I also think they are annoying. I also think it’s funny that I think they’re annoying because they are literally free recycling.

The only price you have to pay is smell. And I’m not even sure if it’s flies themselves that carry diseases. But they’re associated with disease and decay. Is it the corpse itself that brings disease and the flies just get the bad rap?

I’m not overly into insects, But the more you look at them it seems like the bugs are the features.



managing one’s life

Whenever you make a key decision or take a key action, write down what you expect will happen. Nine or 12 months later, compare the actual results with your expectations.

Second, work on improving your strengths. Analysis will rapidly show where you need to improve skills or acquire new ones. It will also show the gaps in your knowledge—and those can usually be filled. Mathematicians are born, but everyone can learn trigonometry.

Third, discover where your intellectual arrogance is causing disabling ignorance and overcome it. Far too many people—especially people with great expertise in one area—are contemptuous of knowledge in other areas or believe that being bright is a substitute for knowledge. First-rate engineers, for instance, tend to take pride in not knowing anything about people. Human beings, they believe, are much too disorderly for the good engineering mind. Human resources professionals, by contrast, often pride themselves on their ignorance of elementary accounting or of quantitative methods altogether. But taking pride in such ignorance is self-defeating. Go to work on acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to fully realize your strengths.

Like so many brilliant people, he believes that ideas move mountains. But bulldozers move mountains; ideas show where the bulldozers should go to work.

Energy, resources, and time should go instead to making a competent person into a star performer.

Do not try to change yourself—you are unlikely to succeed. Work to improve the way you perform.

The conclusion bears repeating: Do not try to change yourself—you are unlikely to succeed. But work hard to improve the way you perform. And try not to take on work you cannot perform or will only perform poorly.


I’m not even the same man I used to be.

I stopped myself from doing something because preconceived notion and potentially denied myself of positive experiences.`

I tend to get caught up in interesting projects without actually having a plan so nothing really gets done


I tend not to like to sit still unless I’m really focusing on something.

It can take me a little while to process things. I’ve gotten better at compartmentalizing and working on them on my own time.

2 Responses to “Servant Leadership Theory”

Todd M. September 13, 2023

            I am currently utilizing the servant leadership approach at my factory. I am a relatively new plant manager (was a QA manager prior) and after 1.5 years, the results have been very good on several measurements, especially engagement scores of the workforce. Performance has improved dramatically and the management team under me has developed into a very competent team and are able to deliver results every month.
            Ultimately, I think there are a few key factors to success:
            – A competent and autonomous management team is a must. My leaders list autonomy as their #1 value and they all very capable and effective within their departments. As a leader, I have learned that this model will struggle if people are not self-motivated in this way. The team members that struggle with this need heavy coaching or need to move on.
            – It’s not enough to preach. The living of the idea starts with the leader. I sometimes feel like part psychologist/counselor, which requires a lot active listening to make sure all are heard and feel valued. I am not sure that this is a generational thing but I don’t believe upper management in the corporation that I report to fully understands this concept. People MUST feel heard and feel that their contribution is valued. When they don’t they need to trust that they can open to their leader and talk openly about the issue and then the leader can help them work through the issues without solving the problem for them.
            – Vision: This is equally important. So once you have a self-actualized team, they need to have a vision/mission to work to. Not having a strategy and a plan to work to can lead to frustration and conflict. This is true in any scenario but the team that is empowered to make decisions need to have clear context to what is value add vs. non-value add.
            Additionally, servant leadership style is not on it’s own a model for how a business should be run. This is a core-values based approach to how you develop a team and grow leaders within an organization but I rely on my experience, problem solving and other management skills to do the job. Ultimately, I realize that there is no amount of solutions that I could deliver in any given situation such that I alone could deliver the results. I am the one who is dependent on my employees, and they are not dependent on me (though they may believe so). So what value do I add but to do the things I stated above?
            Personally, I don’t know any effective leader that doesn’t employ some or all of these concepts.


Most of my family just wants to be right in some form or another. And, at all points, will (un)consciously argue^1 that what you said cognitively dissonates. And further so, you will Subjected It’s reframing. It’s not egregious all the time and it varies from person to person. But sometimes I feel like I’m the only one that can ever admit that he’s wrong.

This so self assured Righteousness from everyone about everything Must be blinding because no one can see the irony that all of us have been poor our whole lives.

I’m familiar with the idea that being smart does not equal being rich. But I’m also under the impression that if your bank account Value is like the X coordinate of a pong ball and you’re not getting everything right.

Of course, it’s possible to do everything wrong and still have money but if we narrow our focus down towards the lower working class well, You have to be a little bit more resourceful with your time and strategies.

And I would say that your bank account number more were closely is correlated with how “right” you are. Obviously I say this metaphorically and acridly As this is a stress relief entry.


^1 I need to be careful that I am treating mindfulness like treating correct posture. There are a range of positions and postures that are non damaging to the body. And likewise I think there are a number of levels of conscious thought. And yes I’m probably can actually be mentally damaging. It’s interesting to be an entity that has so much power over itself that can actually use its own mechanisms to damage itself consciously or subconsciously. And even weirder so that it can be it purposefully. I assume what’s most important to me is that I’m checking in with myself and making sure to be mindful and some respect? ’cause I can’t always be (or at all) monk level conscious, it’s just not how my human body works.

A place I find I’m not fully conscious is after I leave the shower because I’m still one kind of that animal cleaning grooing mode.


My family is also their own set of cowardly, the relationship is associative so — so am I. One of the things that really bothers me is

talking at you

I can’t say much more ’cause I might have to do other stuff today tell us something that really is killing me is that all my family just talks at and expects you to be partner to every thought and next whim. It’s exhausting. I don’t want to be in my head that much and I don’t want to be in somebody else’s head that much. Is this wrong with me to think this way with my family?

writing to think Good thinking is about pushing past your current understanding and reaching the thought behind the thought.

In a fluid medium like thought or conversation, you can always go, “Well, I didn’t mean it like that” or rely on the fact that your short-term memory is too limited for you to notice the contradiction between what you are saying now and what you said 12 minutes ago.

By unfolding I mean “interrogating the conclusion to come up with an explanation of why it could be true.” What premises and reasoning chains leads to this conclusion? The explanation isn’t meant to prove that your conclusion was right. It is just a way of unpacking it.

These days, I would instead unfold a conclusion like this as a series of bullet points where I spell out the intuition behind my claim in a series of premises. In the case of Maud’s education, this would have looked something like this (note that this is not my current understanding but a reconstruction of what I thought eight years ago):

People have an intrinsic motivation to learn and it is important to not undermine that, which schools do 

            It is better to go deep on a few topics that you are passionate about rather than have a superficial understanding of a broad range of subjects you care little about

            But you need to attend a school so you get socialized

            Hence, we need to find a school that allows self-directed learning

I tend to go through my list of premises and assumptions and ask follow-up questions to myself, to further unfold my conclusion. To continue the example from above, I would take one of the premises and unfold it like this:

But you need a school so you get socialized

Curious: why?

            Kids will get depressed and struggle to navigate workplaces, and so on, if they haven’t been exposed to society

                Where can I read more about this? Are there any good studies?

            Being in something like a school is important because humans are social animals. We pick up most of our skills and norms and so on by being immersed in a peer group

                And what follows from this?

                If we are shaped by our peer group, what would the ideal peer group look like?

The emotional tone of these questions is, in my head, lovingly curious; I’m not trying to put myself down. I’m trying not to kill ideas. I want to help them evolve and spill forth more insight. Often this dialogue ends with me changing my mind about several premises and coming to a different conclusion, but the original idea remains the seed—no less valuable for having been proven wrong. It takes creativity and boldness to leap out and form a conclusion, and the part that criticizes must understand how dependent it is on the part that throws ideas at the wall. It is often easier to criticize than it is to synthesize a new position.

Counterexamples are useful in two ways. Either you find a counterexample that a) proves one of the premises wrong but b) does not change your mind about the conclusion. Lakatos calls this a local (and non-global) counterexample. This means there is something wrong with your unfolding. Perhaps you need to change that part of the explanation? Or perhaps you can simply drop it, making the mental model simpler and more general? Local counterexamples help you improve your explanation and get a better understanding.

There is a scene in the last season of Breaking Bad that illustrates this. The main character, whatever his name was, is a teacher that starts a meth lab. This can be thought of as his conclusion (“I should get into the meth business”) and when asked to defend this decision he unfolds the claim by saying, “I need to support my family.” This is false. There are better ways for him to do that (he has an old friend who offers him money). That is a local counterexample. In the final season, he admits to himself: “I did it because it made me feel alive.” This doesn’t change his conclusion (he does not change his mind about the meth) but it gives him a deeper and more correct understanding of himself.


They’re super duper scared of the judgement. Instead of “Oh wow.. that’s new. We didn’t know about that then.. Wish we had..” You’re getting “YOU SURVIVED, DIDN’T YOU?!” Both come from the same place, they’re just based off of different feels. I think that’s something we should remember so we don’t repeat it later on down the road.




Guide expression or learning to be an eigenvalue so that you can decompose higher matrices into smaller ones as part of the actual learning process >In traditional machine learning, the focus has historically been on the second challenge. The trick has been to pick spaces of programs that are either extremely expressive (e.g. neural networks) so that there are many different ways to match any set of observations and the challenge is how to avoid over-training. Or to pick a space that is too restricted (e.g. SVMs) such that it is more or less impossible to match all the observations, but you assume some observations are wrong anyway, so you can trade off how many samples you match against other criteria that make it more likely that your solution will work well enough in general.

Seems to me that support vector machines try to generalize by under parameterizing and neural network generated by over parameterizing?

And then Milford said," that the real reason the government wants to jail homeless people is that we need as many people in houses as possible because that’s what’s propping up the growth in our economy. It sounds like a thing that would be true right? Source is — I made it up."

To test if two things are equal, it is best to recall the basic fact that if a=b, then a-b=0 . Thus, the best way to check if a=b is to take a-b and simplify it, and see if it goes to 0.

mmatrix<->graph ### 7/2/2024 in looking over formal context analysis I think that a syllable set on the English language Where the addition is the operation the relation and the null Silence syllable is the zero element I

think it forms a lattice structure


6:22pm math

I learned that you can multiply two polynomials together using convolution. ### 6/29/2024



Pandoc is written in Haskell, I use pandoc.



Instead of asking what can be defined and deduced from what is assumed to begin with, we ask instead what more general ideas and principles can be found, in terms of which what was our starting-point can be defined or deduced. Bertrand Russell, from Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

To me the statement kinda means you start with some definitions and you find what fits them?


Thinking itself is mathematical. So going through any math textbook (and of course especially this one) would help you in ways that are much more vital than finding solutions to “complex” problems.

OK so how I see it is that there’s this connection between the body and the mind where like the consciousness is just being carried along with everything else and you sometimes have to just let the animal be and that’s how you can like be in the moment right that’s how you can get into flow this can get the string of things so you take your consciousness and you you ring the animal to the thing and then you make him do the thing or you allow him to do the thing you don’t disrupt him right you just you just let it happen right you just watch so to speak i’m rushing this because there’s another thought i’m trying to think about but I can’t remember it

So like you can cultivate habits good and bad and cultivate connections with people and you can run on autopilot in some things if your brain is not stupid like mine. None of these have to be done consciously on most people I think I don’t know but you can do them consciously you can choose to do these things no matter what you can choose to break your heart right now by leaving your girlfriend you can choose to make yourself sad by snapping your own CD you know you have the power right now to do anything.Big right.? I mean of course we all have certain levels of will for certain actions right? I can’t cut my hand off! I don’t think no matter how hard I try will I ever be able to do it no matter how many pollution agendas I ever take. I can’t do it! But everyday things right like, say you catch yourself visiting a location more frequently than you thought you were, and you realize that it seems that you by accident havestarted a small repertoire with one of the clerks and anytime you can choose never to come back to that store ever again. Or you can choose to go to the store like you did yesterday

That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about so you want to be able to cultivate that to put you in a direction where you’re doing actionable goals and accomplishing steps to compound your actionable goals I don’t know how to do that because I’m stupid but that seems to be my idea of what living skillfully might look like.

You can even choose how you feel. I’m not suggesting that I have the ability to manifest like good feelings. No I’ve read **** where it’s like if you smile you’re more likely to be happy but like whatever man. I don’t really think that works something an event or an idea has to happen for me to like not be sad if I’m sad right like I have to choose to do something to change where I’m at the change my frame of mind to get out of that sadness. That’s a positive example

A negative example is you can choose to deny your feelings for someone because of fear of rejection or something like that. Depending on how intense it is you know you can hide some of it and how skilled you are at that will affect that right

I have something to do with logic structures and machine learning maybe?

It has something to do with logical systems that can be made with you know collections of logical axiom schemas rules, right and machine learning over over category category theory which can be represented graphically so you should probably look into machine learning over graphs you should probably actually get into graph theory and you should probably **** get into search algorithms and whatever maybe my hands should get better and I could do that ****

I should look up manga guide to 何何. In Japanese maybe that would be cool

I learned how to estimate the height of a tree today. You take a stick the length from the center of your body to the tip of your fingers and hold it by your hand vertically so that it forms a perpendicular angle. You then try and match the tip of that as closely as you can to the top of the tree and your distance between the tree and the tip of the stick with me the same

we will sometimes want to treat a vector as a sort of degenerate matrix


I think I need big life changing arcs throughout my life because otherwise it’s just immediately is gone. I don’t want to give up math. But in these next five months remaining I will do as much as I can and try to figure out as well what the next step should be. I still need to figure out how to set up my pause screen. Website where I can open up anywhere and Justice get a looking at a glance at like me in my strategies and ****.


Exercise 1.1.26: Inverses of a Morphism

Certainly! Let’s go through the proof of Exercise 1.1.26 step by step to show that if ( g ) and ( g’ ) are both inverses of a morphism ( f ), then ( g = g’ ).




  1. Consider the composition ( g (f g’) ):
    • By the associativity of composition, we can write: [ g (f g’) = (g f) g’ ]
    • Since ( g f = _X ), we get: [ (g f) g’ = _X g’ = g’ ]
    • Therefore: [ g (f g’) = g’ ]
  2. **Using the fact that ( f g’ = _Y ):**
    • Substitute ( f g’ = _Y ) into the composition ( g (f g’) ): [ g _Y = g ]
    • Therefore: [ g = g’ ]
  3. Verify the process:
    • We have shown ( g (f g’) = g ) implies ( g = g’ ).
    • This step essentially means we are using the fact that any element composed with an identity element remains unchanged: [ g _Y = g _X g’ = g’ ]
  4. Symmetric Argument:
    • Similarly, we could consider the composition ( g’ (f g) ): [ g’ (f g) = (g’ f) g = _X g = g ]
    • Since ( f g = _Y ), we have: [ g’ _Y = g’ g = g’ ]


Thus, we have shown that if ( g ) and ( g’ ) are both inverses of ( f ), then they must be equal, proving that inverses in a category are unique.

Application to Groups:

Tell me number theory is the mathematics of entities.