はぐらかす (1) (v5s,vt) to dodge (e.g. a question); to evade; to sidestep (2) (v5s,vt) to give (someone) the slip

障害者, 障がい者, 障碍者 [しょうがいしゃ] (n) disabled person; person with a (physical or mental) disability

給与 [きゅうよ] (1) (n) pay; salary; wages (2) (n,vs,vt) allowance; grant; supply; providing with

未払い, 未払 [みはらい, みばらい] (adj-no,n) unpaid; overdue

給付金 [きゅうふきん] (n) (state) benefit; allowance; (social security) payment; entitlement

振舞う, 振る舞う [ふるまう] (1) (v5u,vi) to behave; to conduct oneself; to act (2) (v5u,vt) to treat (someone) to (food or drink); to entertain (e.g. to lunch)

勝手に [かってに] (adv) arbitrarily; of its own accord; without asking; voluntarily; willfully; as one pleases; selfishly; by itself; automatically

打ち合わせ, 打ち合せ, 打合せ, 打合わせ [うちあわせ] (1) (n,vs,vt) (preparatory) meeting; briefing session; (making) advance arrangements (2) (n) overlap (of a coat, etc.) (3) (n,vs) (arch) making something match exactly

平気で [へいきで] (adv) without compunction; coolly; without batting an eyelid; unscrupulously; nonchalantly; remorselessly; without hesitation

事業 [じぎょう] (1) (n) business; enterprise; venture; (commercial) activity; (business) operation; industry (2) (n) (social) project; undertaking; enterprise; work; activity; program; service

以降, 已降 [いこう] (n,adv) on and after; from … onward; since

生じる [しょうじる] (1) (v1,vt) to produce; to yield; to cause (2) (v1,vi) to result from; to arise; to be generated

加える [くわえる] (1) (v1,vt) to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex (2) (v1,vt) to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up (3) (v1,vt) to include; to count in; to let join (4) (v1,vt) to inflict (damage); to deal; to give

人数 [にんずう, にんず, にんじゅ] (1) (n) the number of people (2) (n) many people; a large number of people

明るみ [あかるみ] (1) (n) bright place; the light (2) (n) the open; light of day; public knowledge

水増し [みずまし] (1) (n,vs,vt) dilution; watering down (2) (n,vs,vt) inflation (of budget, claim, etc.); padding

申請 [しんせい] (n,vs,vt) application; request; petition

指示 [しじ, しし] (1) (n,vs,vt) indication; denotation; designation (2) (n,vs,vt) instructions; directions

満たす, 充たす [みたす] (1) (v5s,vt) to satisfy (conditions, one’s appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to gratify (2) (v5s,vt) to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply

無資格 [むしかく] (adj-na,n) unqualified; unlicensed; uncertified

結局 [けっきょく] (1) (adv) after all; in the end; ultimately; eventually (2) (n,adj-no) conclusion; end (3) (n) end of a game of go, shogi, etc.

就く, 即く [つく] (1) (v5k,vi) to take (seat, position, course, office, etc.); to assume; to be hired; to be employed (2) (v5k,vi) to ascend (the throne); to accede (3) (v5k,vi) to start (on a journey); to commence; to depart (4) (v5k,vi) to study (under teacher); to be an apprentice

求める [もとめる] (1) (v1,vt) to want; to wish for (2) (v1,vt) to request; to demand; to require; to ask for (3) (v1,vt) to seek; to search for; to look for; to pursue (pleasure); to hunt (a job); to find (a solution) (4) (v1,vt) (pol) to purchase; to buy

得る, 獲る [える] (1) (v1,vt) to get; to earn; to acquire; to procure; to gain; to secure; to attain; to obtain; to win (獲る esp. refers to catching wild game, etc.) (2) (v1,vt) to understand; to comprehend (3) (v1,vt) to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment); to get (ill) (4) (aux-v,v1,vt) to be able to …, can … (after the -masu stem of a verb)

返還 [へんかん] (n,vs,vt) return; restoration

主張 [しゅちょう] (n,vs,vt) claim; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention; opinion; tenet

認識 [にんしき] (n,vs,vt) recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance

無理強い, 無理じい [むりじい] (n,vs,vt) forcing; compulsion; coercion; pushing (to do)

意味合い, 意味あい, 意味合 [いみあい] (n) implication; nuance; shade of meaning; connotation

拒否 [きょひ] (n,vs,vt) refusal; rejection; denial; veto

嫌がらせ, 厭がらせ [いやがらせ] (n) harassment; pestering

浮上 [ふじょう] (1) (n,vs,vi) surfacing; rising to the surface (2) (n,vs,vi) emerging; leaping into prominence (3) (n,vs,vi) rising (of rank)

移す, 遷す, 感染す, 伝染す [うつす] (1) (v5s,vt) to transfer (to a different place, group, etc.); to change; to swap; to substitute (2) (v5s,vt) to move to the next stage (of a plan, etc.) (3) (v5s,vt) to divert (one’s attention) to (4) (v5s,vt) to spend (time); to let (time) pass (5) (v5s,vt) to infect (6) (v5s,vt) to permeate something (with a color, smell, etc.)

そっと, そうっと, そおっと, そーっと (1) (adv) (on-mim) softly; gently; quietly; lightly (2) (adv) (on-mim) stealthily; secretly; in secret (3) (vs) (on-mim) to leave alone; to leave as it is (as 〜しておく)

がっかり, ガッカリ (1) (vs,adv) (on-mim) to be disappointed; to be dejected; to be downhearted; to be discouraged; to be disheartened; to lose heart; to feel let down (2) (vs,adv) (on-mim) to feel exhausted; to feel drained

食欲, 食慾 [しょくよく] (n) appetite (for food)

蜂蜜, はち蜜 [はちみつ, はつみつ, ハチミツ] (n) (uk) honey

微笑む, 頬笑む [ほほえむ, ほおえむ] (v5m,vi) to smile

撫でる [なでる] (1) (v1,vt) to stroke; to caress; to brush gently; to pat; to rub (2) (v1,vt) to comb (hair); to smooth down

身体 [しんたい, しんだい, しんてい] (n) body; physical system; (the) person (oft. read からだ)

登録 [とうろく] (n,vs,vt) registration; accession; register; entry; record

対象外 [たいしょうがい] (adj-no,adv-to) (state of being) not covered by; not subject to

デイサービス, デーサービス, デイ・サービス, デー・サービス (n) nursing in the home by visiting nurses (wasei: day service)