(Japanese NOTES? pronounciation)日本語の発音



死角 しかく (1) (n) blind spot (e.g. of a driver) (2) (n) dead angle; dead ground; dead space; sector without fire

この度は誠に申し訳ございませんでした」 “We are very sorry for this inconvenience.”


茶筅; 茶せん; 茶筌 ちゃせん (1) (n) tea whisk; bamboo whisk for making Japanese tea (2) (n) hair style where the hair is tied up in a bundle on the back of the head (resembling the shape of a tea whisk)

志向 しこう (n,vs,vt) intention; aim; preference (for); orientation (towards a goal)


https://www.htb.co.jp/news/archives_27158.html 罪に問う つみにとう (exp,v5u-s) to accuse someone; to charge someone 昼夜を問わず ちゅうやをとわず (exp) day and night; around the clock 度に たびに; たんびに (adv) (uk) each time; every time; whenever (something happens); on the occasion of 糞餓鬼, 糞ガキ [くそがき, くそガキ, クソガキ] (n) (derog) stupid brat; son of a bitch

暴言を吐く, 暴言をはく [ぼうげんをはく] (exp,v5k) to hurl abuse (at); to use abusive language 吐く はく (1) (v5k,vt) to vomit; to throw up; to spit up (2) (v5k,vt) to emit; to send forth; to breathe out (3) (v5k,vt) to give (an opinion); to make (a comment); to express; to tell (4) (v5k,vt) to confess ### 6/14/2024 彼はどのように見えますか


memorize a whole Japanese story verbating or write it down or some **** like that.



こんにちは.子供の時にいつもこの音楽を聞いていました。毎日毎日歌を聴いてたり写真を見たりしてしました。「Dir EN Grey 」 は大好きなバンドでした。今はついに日本語を多少理解できます。やっとこの歌詞を読んではできて、とても嬉しいです。この感じは言葉がない。

Hello! When I was a kid I was always listening to this music. Every single day I’d listen to their songs and look at their photographs。 Dir En Grey was my favorite band. Finally I am able to understand some Japanese. Finally I am able to read these lyrics and I am incredibly happy! I don’t have words for this feeling.


You shared a comment you wrote about your deep connection to the band Dir En Grey and your happiness at finally understanding their lyrics in Japanese. I made a few minor corrections to your Japanese and English versions to enhance clarity. We discussed the use of “読めるようになり” to express the change in your ability to read the lyrics, linking it to your happiness. You inquired about the use of “なる” in the phrase “この感じは言葉になりません,” which emphasizes that your feelings cannot transform into words. We clarified that “なる” signifies a change of state, similar to “put” in the phrase “these feelings cannot be put into words,” underscoring the idea that the feelings are too profound to be verbally expressed.





Examples of Fractions in Japanese

Let’s look at several examples of fractions in Japanese and their respective pronunciation:

1/2: 二分の一分 (にぶんのいちぶん) – Nibun no ichibun
            1/3: 三分の一分 (さんぶんのいちぶん) – Sanbun no ichibun
            3/4: 四分の三分 (よんぶんのさんぶん) – Yonbun no sanbun
            2 and 1/2: 二と二分の一分 (にとにぶんのいちぶん) – Ni to nibun no ichibun
            2 and 1/3: 二と三分の一分 (にとさんぶんのいちぶん) – Ni to sanbun no ichibun
            2 and 3/4: 二と四分の三分 (にとよんぶんのさんぶん) – Ni to yonbun no sanbun



今朝8時頃に起きました.音楽を聴くながら、散歩をして過ごしてしました。そして突然 目の前にトードが現れました!驚きました! 落ち着いて,スマホを出して、この動画を取りました。






This morning I woke up at around 8.00. I listened to music and went for a walk. Then suddenly, A toad appearedIn front of me! I was surprised! I calm down and took my phone out and took this video. He’s cool isn’t he? Using a small stick I tried poked Mr Toad’s body. “It’s dangerous to be in the road” I said and then left continue walking.

I walked around my neighborhood 4 times. The distance of one time Is a third of a mile.


Until you can ride the bike you just need to keep grinding

The Japanese writing system can be considered as a mapping from a matrix of a syllabry to an ordered collection.

And western music notes can be considered a cross product on the set of pitches and rhythmic combis.



所為 せい; せえ (n) (uk) consequence; outcome; result; blame; fault (often …のせい)

み -ness -th

み (1) (suf) () -ness (as in “sweetness”); -th (as in “warmth”); a touch of; a tinge of (after an adjective stem; nominalizing suffix indicating a quality or feeling; also written with the ateji 味) (2) (suf) () place (after an adjective stem; nominalizing suffix) (3) (suf) (poet) alternating between … and …; sometimes … and sometimes … (as …み…み; after the -masu stems of verbs with opposite meanings or after the -masu stem and -zu form of the same verb)


場合によって ばあいによって (exp) depending on the situation; should time and circumstances permit “in some cases”


In this situation



住宅を選ぶ際は、when choosing a home,



In, On, At, Regarding, In terms of https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8A%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6-%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8A%E3%81%91%E3%82%8B

Taru Adjectives

依然として いぜんとして (exp,adv) still; as yet; as of old I came across the word 依然として,In which the dictionary mentioned it was a たる verb.

According to this stack overflow answer, apparently they are Expressions that morph into verbs in classical Japanese the comment gives a example of 確とあり(kaku to ari), which is a combination of the particle と and the word あり (to be).


When the i vowel is used the place of articulation changes this is a note I want to rememberr

適しています。 (てきしています) I feel this is a really good word to practice the tongue position for (し). And the reason being that your tongue is pretty much already in the same position needs to be when you pronounce き, So it’s already set up to be there ### Seven places of articulation #### Video


Places of articulation are where you put your tongue in your mouth

In Japanese there are seven places of articulation - lips - the Gum Ridge - The back of the gum ridge - Hard pallete - soft pallete - uvula - glottis (throat)

7 manners of articulation



Manner of articulation tells you how to block the air in your mouth

In Japanese there are 7: - stop - Fricative - Affricate - Stop + Affricative - Example: - つ - Tap - Nasal - Air passes through your nose - Example: - な - Semi vowel - Example: - や



どうされましたか (1) (exp) what did you do? (2) (exp) is anything the matter?; what seems to be the problem?; can I help you?

Literally how are you doing ### ひと手間もふた手間も 生で提供するにはひと手間もふた手間もかかるホッケ。 [ Atka mackerel takes a lot of time and effort to serve raw.]


日々の生活を容易にします。 makes your daily life easier.



じゅうたく の うらにわ に ある さくらんぼ の き に クマ の つめあと と みられる もの が

What appears to be a bear’s claw marks are found on a cherry tree in the backyard of a house.

words 言葉

繋がる (つながる)

繋がる; 繫がる; 接続る つながる (1) (v5r,vi) (uk) to be tied together; to be connected to; to be linked to (2) (v5r,vi) (uk) to lead to; to be related to (3) (v5r,vi) (uk) to be related (by blood)

保つ たもつ; もつ (1) (v5t,vt) to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain (2) (v5t,vi) to last; to endure; to keep well (food); to wear well; to be durable

駆けつける, 駆け付ける, 駆付ける [かけつける] (v1,vi) to run to; to come running; to rush (someplace); to hasten

調査結果 [ちょうさけっか] (n) results (of a study or investigation)

廃棄 [はいき] (1) (n,vs,vt) disposal; abandonment; scrapping; discarding; abolition (2) (n,vs,vt) annulment; cancellation; abrogation; repeal