


take some of the muscles in your body lower them down to maintenance volume do a third of the normal training you do for them and start slowly gassing that muscle up you can do this with one maybe two muscles at the same time you can get up to really high volumes 25 30 35 40 sets per week for some time until you Deo and that will confer significantly more hypertrophy than if you just stayed at 15 to 20 sets per week and you’re like yes I’m just never getting big arms you could get much bigger arms if you really put in the work but you have to constrain the rest of your body and listen to the signs of your recovery if your arms are sore all the time and they never get a chance to heal it’s too much volume if your elbows start to hurt it’s too much volume and so on and so forth ## 8/9/2024 Anything you’re serious about learning you have to train in at least once for a Sufficient amount of time ### Notes So let’s consider we have a pulling force and we have the friction force right since these forces are acting perpendicular on them it basically forms a triangle

Ahh OK so visually the graph of friction could be represented trigonometricly by the adjacent side the horizontal force must be longer visually than the vertical force pushing down and then it will begin to slide. And here we have the tangent as the ratio of the sides to each other and in this case is also equivalent to the frictional coefficient which is very FUN. F=uN

Distance is the length of the path followed in displacement is a vector.


One Newton of force is equivalent to 4.45 pounds of force. So, if you weigh 100 pounds, you weigh 445 Newtons.

The value of Newtons or pounds represents the size, or magnitude, of a force. One Newton of force is defined as the force required to accelerate a 1 kg mass at the rate of 1 m per second per second (m/s/s), or mathematically 1 N = 1 kg · 1 m/s/s. (This comes from Newton’s equation F = ma, covered in detail in Chapter 6.)



Yesterday I did neutral grip overhead press in my lats are really feeling it. I think that’s nice ’cause I was having trouble finding something to like do that i’m not sure if that’s a good thing.

This is an example of emergent abstraction collapse >Fortunately, because there are a lot of molecules in a body and each molecule is really small, the mass of a body can be measured and reported as a single value without considering each individual molecule within it


Anterior: In front of, or toward the front of the body ✓ Posterior: Behind, or toward the back of the body ✓ Inferior: Below or lower, or farther from the head ✓ Superior: Above or higher, or closer to the head ✓ Lateral: Toward the side, or farther from the midline of the body ✓ Medial: Toward the middle, or closer to the midline of the body ✓ Deep: Farther within the body from the outer surface ✓ Superficial: Closer to the surface of the body ✓ Distal: Farther from the reference point ✓ Proximal: Closer to the reference point

Distal and proximal are usually used to identify the relative location of joints or segments of the arm or leg. For example: ✓ Your hand is distal to your forearm. Your upper arm is proximal to your forearm. ✓ Your knee is distal to your hip. Your knee is proximal to your ankle

This is fine you’re only off a little bit and it’s good for mental calculation. >(For convenience, I usually use –10 m/s/s as the gravitational acceleration because this makes the calculation easier.)


The basic rules for doing the exercise are:

  1. The object of your workout is your body. When using a chain, you need to create tight waves with your body, and then the chain itself will break.

  2. Your breathing must be even throughout the exercise.

  3. The whole body should be covered by one force, and at the same time the whole body should make an effort to strengthen the connection of tendons, muscles and joints.

  4. A good wave of power should be achieved, with a smooth entry, maximum amplification without interruption, and an equally smooth exit.

  5. Positive attitude before the workout, attitude is much more important than the exercise itself.

  6. The movement is based on the principle of tension and looseness, with the addition of force you will feel a kind of energy, which is impossible to achieve.

  7. The interval between exercises is 30–60 seconds. If you need more strength, you can increase the interval to several minutes. You can experiment this way.

  8. If you feel unwell, palpitations and shortness of breath, stop and take it easy, and when you resume your workout, don’t push too hard at first.

  9. It is not necessary to try to hold the tension for 15–20 seconds at once, this time should be approached gradually, the first 5 seconds are enough, and then smoothly move to more tension.

  10. Do 5 to 8 exercises each day, 3 approaches of each exercise in turn, the first approach 60% tension, then 90% and the third approach 75%.

  11. A full workout should be no more than 2 times a week and should not exceed 1 hour in duration.

  12. Again, the main emotion, without which you can train as much as you want and it will not bring results.

Be healthy! Alexander Zass training rules

The Samson system saves time and energy.

Tendon training Zass lasts no more than 15 minutes. It should be preceded by a thorough warm-up aimed at warming up those muscles and joints that you will load. As in dynamics, this is necessary to avoid injury.

Important rules for tendon training:

Breathing should remain even
            A wave of power should spread throughout the body
            Smooth entry, voltage, smooth exit
            The maximum voltage should be reached smoothly, with a gradually increasing voltage and the same smooth decline
            It is necessary to clearly remember: breathing - wave - input - voltage - output. No jerks!

In the Zass system, breathing should be even, calm, without long delays. As you begin the soft entry, you take a slow, deep breath. The execution process is accompanied by a long exhalation. At this point, you are tense. A slow exhalation should accompany the exit from the exercise. It always terminates the load.

Athletes who are engaged in powerlifting know that the maximum load must be accompanied by an exhalation, sometimes they scream at this moment - this is an exhalation.

When performing isometric exercises, you need to learn how to control the degree of muscle tension. The correct choice of their duration depends on this.

If all the force is applied at 100% - the duration of the exercise should be only 2-3 seconds, if 80-90% of the force is about 5 seconds, 60-70% - about 8 - 9 seconds. In any case, muscle tension should not exceed 10 seconds in duration.

In the first month of training, you should not make maximum efforts. The body should not experience stress. It is unacceptable to continue the exercises if pain appears.

The strength acquired by the Samson method is maximally manifested only in the position in which it was developed. Therefore, it makes sense to work out the exercises, over time changing the angle of inclination or bending of the torso, arms and legs. What is the basis of Samson’s system?

As already mentioned, the system is based on isometric exercises. Their essence is that the muscles do not contract, i.e. do not change their length, although they are tense. Efforts are applied without movement in the joints - in statics.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you do - wrestling, boxing, arm wrestling, workout, or just go to the gym - the isometric system of Alexander Zass will suit everyone. Reinforcement of dynamic training with static exercises will undoubtedly increase athletic performance.

The system is well suited for both professional athletes and beginners. It increases physical strength, endurance and strengthens the ligaments, which minimizes the likelihood of injury. How often to do and how many approaches to do?

You can choose one or more exercises and workouts based on your goals. It depends on the load that you get at work, in other workouts, at home. It is impossible to give specific figures - one person works at a construction site all day, and the other sits in the office at the computer. We can only advise you to train for the first time at least every other day, and then every day.

The number of approaches also everyone chooses individually based on their physical fitness and fatigue at the time of training. You can do 2 to 5 repetitions of each exercise. Rest between sets should be 40 seconds - a minute. Conclusions

But one static will not be full. It must be understood that muscle mass is not developed by tendon gymnastics. Only dynamics and work with weights will help here. Therefore, the best option would be to combine training according to the Samson system with dynamic exercises. Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop



I did a row with the center block one supernated one pronated hand I really didn’t like it because it engaged a lot of biceps and I already have a biceps targeting exercise in the program. So I need to find a way to row £40 in the right way so probably I need two twenties or something something homemade

I couldn’t resist it I ended up doing presses afterwards prompting out the smartest thing I did 6 I felt stable.

I did some floor dips on the jersey barrier to target my lats but I ended up feeling it way more in my core because my core is pretty weak.

I have trouble focusing on just my core because it leaves me weak other and other exercises so I’ve been relying on other exercises to try and get my core or torso past this hump. Because if I do core targeting exercises I could be out of it for days even even small core stuff.

I did hamstring lifts when my legs outward which means I’m kind of hamstring curling the length of my or the the weight of my lower leg.

I still need to go through and convert and make a new spreadsheet that uses work power newtons and Watts instead of the volume I have now volume might be applicable but I’m more interested in a concrete metric that I can become familiar with that will allow me to become more in touch with my body’s relation with the world’s physics.


I’ve begun doing workouts to strengthen the core of my lower muscle chain ie the glutes the quads the hams. I’m doing this with the Lego and currently I am at 15 1/2 inchesand my max out is 35 inches I’m pretty sure. I’m not super sure how to measure the intensity of this exercise so I’m gonna do it as a ratio of my current and maximum:

(15 + 1/2)/35 ~ .44


With the help of chat GPT I learned how to calculate the power of an exercise. Some keynotes I want to mention are that work is measured in joules and power is measured in Watts and Newton * distance equals joules.

Now the absolutely insane crazy thing to do would be to calculate all of my limbs so I can see how far I’m actually pushing things and then I would be able to calculate work and power for each exercise.g


My left knee has been feeling vulnerable. I think I’ve diagnosed the problem as somewhere in the glute area where I’m not fully Articulating from the socket of my of my hip.

I also have the butt wink which hasn’t caused me any severe back pain but there has been some discomfort. So I know there is a spot where I’m not able to hold proper form.

To address this I am focusing on two things

Deliberately move through the squat motion correctly and watch myself to see if the butt wink happens. And I will do this without any weight I need to be able to reactivate those muscle muscles and feel them which brings me to my second thing:

I will focus on single leg step ups. I feel they are the safest isolating leg movement I can do’cause I already feel like I’m driving from my heel otherwise you don’t get the full amount of power that you need to do something with my leg so my brain is already like in the mode to activate those muscles hopefully correctly.



しているの様に、 2回焦点はあっている。

じっくり正しくスクワットをしているながら自分の見ているとバットウィンクが送れば。 そしてそれをしてウェットでもなし、そういう筋肉じゃあ、それを感じて再起動してはいけないと、そこで2回点:

一本の足レッグアップを焦点しようとする。一番安全分離足動きをできてだからもうかかとから押すのが感じて もしくはフールーたかパワーをでき ### Week 6/23/2024 - 6/29/2024 #### 6/30/2024 ##### Knee Push Up A regular push up is about 64% of your body weight, so I’m figuring a knee push up is about 40% of My body weight. I weigh 150 pounds so that’s about 60 pounds.

The form was great went real steady. I actually could have standed not to do some stuff and just done back and pull.

I need to be more aware of if I’m doing a push I should compliment it with a pull I shouldn’t do multiple pushes on the same muscle because you’re just not getting the most effective workout right? #### 6/29/2024 I did some agility trade on which I may have been for right here. The other thing is is like kicked around a cinder block for a little while. #### 6/27/2024

Cinder Two Hand Curl

This was the only way I could figure out how to curl the block. It dug into my arms but it wasn’t the most unpleasant experience.

Cinder Floor Bench Press

This wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. I didn’t even notice I was tilting the cinder block my grip on it was pretty confident.

Cinder Squat

During the squat I noticed something important is that I was not able to transfer the weight through my posterior chain. I wasn’t able to confidently or consciously pass it from my quads to my glutes which caused some discomfort in my lower back. I don’t think I injured anything I feel fine but I need to I think use a lighter weight and really feel that transition before I can load heavy on that.

Cinder Dual Calf Raise

I didn’t intend on cradle carrying the cinder block as I really didn’t think I had that much strength. I was also very surprised about how easy it was to calf raise with 40 pounds. To be truthful I feel my arms got more of a workout during that than the calves.

Post Workout Notes

It’s been at least an hour and a half since I worked out. I was sore during door dash today and I’ve been driving since about 5 or 6 hours. I’ve got some like things that don’t necessarily feel injured. It’s like it’s like they feel a little bruised. I wasn’t the most awake and still am not but the workout went smooth.

Potential injuries:

Be careful of your right wrist, your left thumb, and the right Achilles tendon. Also be careful with your lower back. There’s no actual pain in any of these locations just a little bit of discomfort.

I think both of my thumbs on my palms are sore because I did the thumb squeezes with the 40 pound and resistant thing and I have never done that my thumbs at all ever so that was probably stupid I did a lot of those on each.

Week 6/30/2024 - 7/6/2024

Week 7/7/2024 - 7/13/2024

Week 7/14/2024 - 7/20/2024

Calculate power of a lift

Absolutely! Let’s rewrite the example with all units fully worked out and explained step by step.

Example: Lifting a Dumbbell

Scenario: You are lifting a dumbbell vertically upward a total distance of 0.5 meters in two different phases:

Assumptions: - Mass of the dumbbell ( m = 15 ) kg - Gravitational acceleration ( g = 9.8 ) m/s²

Step-by-Step Calculation

Step 1: Calculate the work done in each phase

Work ( W ) is calculated using ( W = m g h ), where ( h ) is the height lifted.

Phase 1: - Height ( h_1 = 0.3 ) meters - Time ( t_1 = 1 ) second

[ W_1 = m g h_1 ]

First, calculate the force (in Newtons, N):

[ m g = 15 , , ^2 = 147 , ]

Now, calculate the work in Joules (J):

[ W_1 = 147 , , = 44.1 , ]

Phase 2: - Height ( h_2 = 0.2 ) meters - Time ( t_2 = 3 ) seconds

[ W_2 = m g h_2 ]

Calculate the force (in Newtons, N):

[ m g = 15 , , ^2 = 147 , ]

Now, calculate the work in Joules (J):

[ W_2 = 147 , , = 29.4 , ]

Step 2: Calculate the power output in each phase

Power ( P ) is calculated using ( P = ), where ( t ) is the time taken.

Phase 1: [ P_1 = ]

Convert time to seconds:

[ t_1 = 1 , ]

Calculate power in Watts (W):

[ P_1 = = 44.1 , ]

Phase 2: [ P_2 = ]

Convert time to seconds:

[ t_2 = 3 , ]

Calculate power in Watts (W):

[ P_2 = = 9.8 , ]

Step 3: Compare the power outputs

Calculate the ratio ( ):

[ = ]

This means Phase 1 is approximately 4.5 times more powerful than Phase 2.

Summary and Explanation of Units

To summarize the process:

  1. Calculate Work (W):
    • ( W = m g h )
    • Where ( m ) is the mass (kg), ( g ) is the gravitational acceleration (( 9.8 , ^2 )), and ( h ) is the height lifted (m).
  2. Calculate Power (P):
    • ( P = )
    • Where ( t ) is the time taken to lift the weight over the distance (s).
  3. Compare Power Outputs:
    • Compute ( ) to determine how much more powerful one phase is compared to another.

Explanation of Units

This method allows you to quantify and compare the effort (power output) required in different phases of lifting the dumbbell. It’s applicable in understanding physical exertion across various activities and scenarios.

If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to explore, feel free to ask!