You really just can’t anticipate situations and really the best way is to Have no expectations You need to be mindful enough to react, Any presuppositions will trip you up and cloud up your vision while in the act. Your attitude is visible to everyone,Unless you’ve got some acting skills it’s not something you can impress, Just really live it true that’s the only advice i’ll provide, When you envision future decision ou Influence yourself on events that have not yet arrived, Just think if you didn’t think about it what kind of thoughts at would you have arrive? You might box yourself into a corner_ that only exists in your mind’s eyes, You might talk to yourself into an order_ That doesn’t permit you to live your own life,

One night while trying to snooze you choose some stupid rules, Based off a judgment that might be not or be not true, Shutting you off from information or any news, It’s alarming how much time has passed on the clock you got a lot left to lose, So ’come on bro, what the fuck you gonna do? How many more the same days you’re gonna have to live through? How many more of the same ways are you gonna have to give into? How much more of this lame game are you gonna play through?

What the fuck does it take for you to live through you? Is it really you in there are is true a puppet for majin buu? How Many more blue notes do you write before you get a clue? How many more epiphanies slip through your hands that you can’t cling to,

Battle like Klingons to hold on to fantasies to keep your eyes drawn One day you might look up and find it’s all gone, One day you might Wake up and think what’s going on, Some days you might not wake up and not have enough strength to be strong,

It might seem lost when you learn it but think back to this song, Just be the seconds for a second cause After a second it’s long gone, The only thing that lasts forever is when you’re forever gone, Try to live your life as best you can before life’s last breath is drawn.

It’ll barely narrowly be Less than a century Then your body’s broken and you’re sent back to the sedimentary, We all return back to the elements it’s elementary You don’t need a whole lot of evidence to see it’s evidently,(watson clip)

So what the fuck is The point of living a life that’s empty? Stop praying to a place that where nothing will ever be from sent fullly, Look, Make It just doesn’t make any sense to me, real Eyes see You mentally make what’s mentally meant to be,

life filiterd through anything - is just as bad as any screen, Take all four of your sore eyes and start to see any being, There’s really no point in wearing a mask - they can’t see everything. Go up an abstraction level dont think about every thingg

You also probably can’t process every single scene, Follow the same path and you won’t be Egressing, All those comfy thoughts keep ye aught regressing, Time machine’s pot Slow it down before the clock rings

Soon youll be inside entombed rock, Turn on and attune the these soon new thoughts, You only got three days until the moon drops,The real lesson is terminal, turn it off and termina stops Some things you just can’t fix no matter how much tape, or hop scotch be aware and don’t stare Where warlock wore locks and rock robe likes Life can’t be lived as a rogue like, keep no pearls clutched and Cuddle no cope stoke only hope right? “Simple and clean” just isn’t the way I feel tonight. The ghost in my machine isnt really watching is this real or right?

i’ll be honest i might catch 40 winks and wink out like a night light? mom used To read stories to me Besides my bedside that’s a night night,

Almost everybody is somebody that I used to know, that don’t feel right But that’s my consequences so, Consequently concentrate on things that concentrate your soul, Maybe 30 years left and you’ve already paid An awful toll,

You’ve answered a lot of questions but there’s oh so many more from trolls, Just like life, fashion artist eventually draw clothes Keep yourself Sharp mentally as your days draw close, You grew up in Dungeons you already know how to slay many ghostss

I confess I’ve reminisced But I’ll never go back to sword coasts That place doesn’t exist but in your head there’s nothing left.